Chapter Nineteen

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As a week went by Caleb had stopped here everyday demanding that he gets Blake back, and each time we denied. Ashton's parents showed up and was not very happy with Caleb. Were were getting ready for a hearing and I could see how stressed out Ashton was. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He held on to my arms and turned around.

"Everything will be alright my love, I will stand right next to you. Your parents my parents Dean and Blake will be there. We will be right there next to you," I told him and he smiled down at me.

"I am so grateful to have you, I hope I win because I don't know what I will do if Caleb gets Blake back. Im afraid of what might happen," he said and I squeezed him tighter

"Everything will be okay, we will win this. Now lets go before we are late and then that might cause us some trouble" I tell him and he nodded

We go down and we drive to the courthouse with the two boys in the back. I realize now that this will be the first time that Caleb will see his son in person. I somewhat feel bad for him since Blake is his son however he chose his path he was on. Blake deserves only the best and if that means taking him in as my own I will gladly do that any day. When we get there we take a deep breath as we enter.

Inside my anxiety rose and I held onto Ashton's hand and Dean's in the other as Ashton held Blake in his free arm. Blakes small arms were wrapped around Ashton's neck with his head buried into his shoulder. Blake really did love Ashton and much as Ashton loved Blake. They look like father and son and never would I have imagine this is where my life would lead up to.

We get to the room and I see Caleb sitting at the other side and we go to our spots. The judge asked them some questions to why this was happening. Ashton fought hard and argued his points while Caleb was playing the victim. I had all my hope in him praying that he will get through to the judge. The judge looked into the witnesses and spotted Blake.

"I will assume that the little boy would be the son?" The judge asked

"Yes your honour," said Ashton

"Can you step up my dear? It's okay," she said. I feel my hope rise as the judge is a woman so she might have some sympathy.

Blake stands and comes to stand next to Ashton and grabbed his arm since he is shy. Ashton gave Blake a small squeeze to his hand reassuring him that it will be okay.

"I don't want to go back to him. I want to stay with Ashton and BryBry," Blake blurted out pleading to the judge. I looked over to Caleb who looks defeated, part of me was upset but the other half was telling me not to worry about it, that it was just an act.

"Why don't you want to go back to your father dear?" The judge asked Blake

"Because he hurt BryBry. He made her cry, he drinks adult drinks all the time. He doesn't even care about me. My parents are Ashton and BryBry, with my big brother Dean. They take care of me and love me giving me unconditional love and attention," Blake said and for an 8 year old turning 9 soon he was pretty damn smart and mature.

"Very well then, I think it is safe to end it here. Custody of Blake Williams will be given to Ashton Williams and Aubrey Cooper," she said and the court session ended. Blake hugged Ashton and was in tears. I was so happy and I looked back at Dean who was in tears as well with a big smile on his face. It must have been nice to hear Blake call him his big brother. "Case dismissed"

Caleb came over to us and he looked defeated. He gave Ashton a small smile and nodded. "Can I please just give him one last hug?" He asked and Ashton looked to Blake who was looking down. Blake reached out and wrapped his tiny arms around his biological father. After all he is his father so there is always going to be some parts of him that loves him. Caleb picked him up and herd him close. "I'm so sorry. I will get better for you and hopefully if it's okay I can visit once in a while. Ash raised you well you are such a big boy now," that made Blake giggle and Ashton had a smile on his face.

After all the hurt that I've been through, I accept the fact that my sister is gone. That this guy is the cause but what happened happened and for the sake of Blake I need to move on from this.

"And Aubrey was it? I am sorry that I was reckless and caused you so much pain. If I could go back in time and change how things happened I would. I never meant for someone to die that day. Especially to the girl my brother loves. Thank you for making him happy, I'm sorry for causing you so much pain," Caleb said to me and I nodded

"I'm doing this because I need to move on. I came to terms of what happened and there is nothing that anyone can do to change how things went. So, I forgive you. Just don't be so reckless again," I told him and he nodded. He placed Blake down and headed out. I puffed out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding. Ashton rubbed my back and kissed my head. Caleb gave me a smile and looked back and saw my parents looking at him.

"Are those your parents?" He asked me and I looked back and nodded. He walked over to them and he apologized for what happened. My parents nodded and my brother looked upset. It was hard on him since he always wanted to be a big brother to someone like I was his big sister. But now he has Blake to look after and he's been happier.

Caleb left the court and we were on our way out. We all met outside and my parents were talking about bringing Dean back home to live with them. I nodded and said for them to come to dinner and he'll go back after. My parents wanted him close and I told Dean that he can come and visit and we will too.

We got into the car and Dean and Blake rode with my parents since Blake didn't want to leave Dean's side. It was pretty cute to see. Ashton grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I'm proud of you, you know. Hopefully you can stop blaming yourself and move on," he said and starred at me.

"Aren't I supposed to be saying that to you? I mean congratulations on winning Blake. I knew you could do it. As for your statement, I moved on I came to terms with it. After today no more blaming myself. It's been 3 years almost 4. Also next month in the anniversary of her death and I was thinking I'd go back to North Carolina to see her," I told him and he gave me a smile

"I'll drive you up, I love you so much," he said and leaned forward to kiss me. His lips were placed on mine and even though it's not the first time, I still feel butterflies in my stomach.

One more chapters + Epilogue left >///< <3

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