Chapter Fifteen

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It has been a couple of days and it's now Thursday. I need to find a dress for the gala tomorrow and I don't know what to wear. I went to Ashton's office in hope that I can find out if there is a theme for it. I knock on his door and he said to 'come in'. I opened his door to find him at his desk doing a bunch of paper work.

"Hi Ash," is all I said because I didn't want to disturb him. I was okay with waiting until he was done with what he was doing. However, he looked up and motioned me to come near him. I walked over to stand beside him but he pulled me onto his lap.

"How's my Princess doing?" He asked me and I smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm doing okay, I have a question for you though," I told him and he nodded, "What's the theme for the gala tomorrow? I still don't have a dress, I'll go after work,"

He gave me a smile and tightened his arms around me. He was being cute and cuddly around me. I realized that he doesn't do that often because he's slightly rude to his employees and when it comes to meeting he looks so serious. Even though I know that he has to be, he's a CEO and needs to make sure that everything is right.

"There's not really a theme, just get a dress that you like. You can go now if you want, you can take Makenzie and Drew with you if you want. I know they are your friends and I want you to have company," he told me and I gave him a smile. I pecked his cheek and got off his lap. "Be careful okay? Call me if you need me or anything."

He passes me a black card and I looked at him with a blank face. I wasn't sure what to do whether I grab it or do I deny it. "What are you doing? Why are you giving me this?"

"Just take it please, I want you to find the dress you want without worrying about the price," he said and I nodded. I took the card and I smiled at him. "Have fun Princess,"

I walked out of his room after saying goodbye. I went down to see Makenzie and Drew who were making out in the file room. I cleared my throat and they both jumped back with the look of horror on their faces. I was shocked to say the least, I wasn't expecting to see them together. Makenzie was blushing and Drew put on his signature smirk.

"Aubrey, it is not what it looks like!" Makenzie yelled and and I chuckled at them.

"Are you guys finally together?" I asked and the look to one another. Drew was rubbing the back of his neck and smiled.

"Not officially, he hasn't asked. We just kissed?" She told me not looking to sure of what she was going to say.

I shook my head and told them why I came to see them. They were excited that they got to leave work early and go shopping. Well Drew was happy to miss work but groaned that he has to go dress shopping with us. I pulled out my phone to text Kylie and Brandon to meet us at the mall.

Me: Hey Kylie, if you aren't busy meet me at the mall in. I need to find a dress for a gala I have to go to. I have some of my work friends with me. Bring Brandon along if he wants to, he can keep Drew company because we all know Brandon loves shopping with us.

A few minutes later when we were on our way to the mall I get a buzz from my phone.

Kylie: Awesome! For sure I'm Dragging Brandon out the door. I owe him a pretzel now though:(

I laughed at her response, I remember Brandon loves his pretzel and that was one way to bribe him to do something he doesn't want to do. When we arrived we waited out front for them. We saw them and Brandon ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug. After these four months Makenzie and Drew never met Kylie and Brandon.
"Uhm sorry sir, she is not for sale! She has a boyfriend who will whoop your ass if you don't let her go!" Mac goes and glares at Brandon. I laughed, while Brandon lets go and puts his arms up in surrender.

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