Chapter Nine

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I woke up to the sunlight hitting my eyes. I try to get up but I was stuck in place. I tried to turn around so I don't wake Ashton, I placed my hand on his cheek and admiring how handsome he is. I honestly do not know what I would do without him. If he didn't come into my life I might still be depressed and who knows where I would be.

"Princess, why are you staring at me? Am I that handsome you can't take your eyes off of me?" He said. God his morning voice is even hot.

"Is it a sin to just admire my handsome boyfriend?" I shot back and pinched his cheek.

"Ouch! Princess, what was that for?" He whined and I pecked his lips.

"Come one get ready we have get to work. I need to leave earlier to drop Dean at school," I told him and tried to to lift his arms. He groaned but held me tighter.

"Just a couple more minutes princess," he mumbled and dug his face in my neck.

I sighed in frustration, yes I enjoy being here with Ashton but I need to make sure Dean goes to school. As well as he is the boss and we need to go to work.

"I will not cuddle you tonight or even talk to you for the rest of the day if you do not get up," I said to him being dead serious. He immediately got up and got changed.

I went downstairs only to see Dean in the kitchen eating breakfast.

I saw him eating a bowl of cereal and I smiled that he was taking care of himself. I went into the kitchen and I made a quick breakfast for me and Ash. I went over to Dean and I ruffled his hair. He groaned and I know that he hates it when I do that to him which makes me laugh.

"How did you sleep bud?" I asked him and he gave me a smile.

"I slept okay, how about you big sis?" He asked me and I nodded

"I slept pretty well, you ready for school?" I asked him and he frowned

"Do I have to go to school? Can I just stay home?" He whined and I shook my head and he frowned.

I saw Ashton at the door and I gave him a smile. He smiled back and went over to Dean and ruffled his hair like I did. Ashton and I laughed while Dean just pouted. Today is going to be a good day hopefully. I hope it is an easy day so we can just get home and cuddle some more. I then remembered about Blake and that Ashton would have to go home and take care of him.

We headed off after we had out breakfast and our first stop was to drop off Dean at school. Ashton checked on Blake and the maid told him that he was at school.

When we arrived at work we went to our offices and Makenzie and Drew came into mine and sat down in front of me. I lifted on eyebrow wondering what they want.

"May I help you guys?" I asked them and they pouted.

"Can't we just come see our best friend?" Mac asked and I chuckled and nodded.

They took a seat and they were chatting about random things going on in their lives. While I worked on the files that I had to do for Ashton.

I was so focus on work but looked up when Drew asked a question that caught my attention. "What's up with and M. Williams?"

I looked at him in shock and I shook my head immediately and said "Nothing is happening between me and him,"

They didn't look like they believed me and I sighed and I guess there is no choice but to tell them. They are not going to let it go until I tell them the truth. However, I don't know how they'll react but I guess I'll take that risk.

"Fine, we are together now," I sighed out and they looked in shock now.

They squealed and they are both acting like teenage girls. I laughed and then I was out of thought when I heard a knock on my office door. I didn't know who it was but I had a feeling who it might be.

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