Chapter Ten

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Later that night we went and picked up my brother and we had a family night. We played a bunch of board games and watched movies. We were enjoying our time at Ashton's house. I got a text from Kylie,

Kylie: We are going to the bar on Friday. You want to come with us to catch up some more and have a fun night.

Me: Sure just let me know which bar and what time

I set my phone down and laid my head on Ashton's shoulder. I continued watching the movie and he intertwined our fingers together.

"Who was that?" He whispered

"It was just Kylie, we are going to the bar Friday night." I told him and I knew he would argue with me not wanting me to go.

"Oh okay well, be safe okay?" He said and kissed my head and I was shocked he didn't fight me on this.

I was going to be careful anyways because I don't need to get into another accident and I need to get back to Dean. Who I know will not be so happy that I will be drinking. I was thinking maybe Ashton would not mind looking after Dean while I'm gone. However that is a lot to ask of him. He still has to look after Blake and Dean is not his responsibility. Maybe going out Friday is not such a great idea and I frowned.

"Aubrey? Are you okay? You're squeezing my hand pretty tight there," Ashton said and I looked down and let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry," is all I replied "I was just thinking about Friday, I don't know what to do with Dean. I think he will be okay to be left at home alone but I don't know how I feel about that. I might cancel Friday with them and just stay home,"

"Nonsense, drop Dean here and I'll look after him. You need a night out with your friends. You have been working a lot and it will be good for you to get out and have fun. Just keep the boys away because you're mine," he growled the last part that made me chuckle. I am happy that he trusts me and that he would take care of Dean for me.

"On the weekend I would not mind looking after Blake if you want to go out with your friends. You need a break as well Ash," I told him and he chuckled and nodded.

We finished the last movie we watched and then we headed off to bed. I was basically just staying with Ashton for the time being. I even have some of my clothes in his closet. I need to go to my apartment to pay my rent. Which reminds me I need to ask Ashton when I can get my check. I am a bit low on money to pay for rent.

"Babe?" I called out because he is in his bathroom. He comes out just wearing a towel that's hugging his waist. I couldn't help but stare at him. My eyes went to his abs, shit he has a 6 pack and he looked really toned. His skin looked so soft.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," he winked and I looked down and blushed. "Anyways, what's up?"

"Would it be possible to get an early pay check? I need to pay rent and I'm falling behind," I told him a bit embarrassed because I don't have that much money.

"Of course, I can pay your rent for you. Or why don't just move in with me?" He lifted his eyebrows.

"I can't ask of that, you have done so much for me already," I told him and as much as I would love to live with him permanently but I don't want to be a burden. As well I don't know how Dean would react.

"Think about it? Please, I would love to have you around all the time," he said and came and hugged me.
"Yes I will think about it okay? Now go get changed I'm going to go check on the boys and say goodnight," I said and he chuckled.

I walked out of his room and went to see Dean who was staying in a guest bedroom that was next to Blakes. I open his door and I see him on his bed looking at his phone.

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