Chapter Twelve

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*Aubrey's POV*

I felt so sad when Blake said he didn't want to leave Ashton. I can tell that he really loves him, and its beautiful. Ashton treats Blake like he is his own son which makes me happy. He will make a great father.

As for me, I feel better and I am still shook from yesterday but I have Ashton now. I feel safe with my family, I don't feel like I'm in danger. I figured the boys are hungry so I went down and made crêpes for everyone. When I finished with making them I put it on a plate and put maple syrup and Nutella on the counter. With banana and strawberries for whoever wanted them.

"Guys! Breakfast is made!" I yelled so everyone could come down and eat. I was cleaning up when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked to see it was Ashton who was back hugging me.
"Thank you for breakfast baby," he said and kissed my cheek. I giggled at how cute he was being.

Ashton wasn't the guy who acted very cold towards people. Maybe some who did him wrong or if they messed up. But for as long as I've known him he is a nice kind hearted man. I couldn't ask for a bette boyfriend, he takes care of me and Dean. It is already like we are one big family.

*Three months later*

It has been 4 months or so since I have met Ashton and it has been 3 months or a little more since we have been dating. Everything was going pretty well and we were both happy. A month ago I figured out that my parents are going to move here to be with us. When they come Dean will be going to live with them. I officially moved in with Ashton 2 months ago. I agreed 3 months ago but I wanted to pay one more rent to help my landlord out. Since I actually really liked her.

Blake has been so cute and wanting to be with Ashton all the time. If I didn't know that he wasn't Ashton's son, someone could have assumed they were father and son. The way they are together is just inspiring in my opinion.

We were heading to have dinner with Ashton's parents since they invited us over. Over the few months me and his parents got really close. We were almost there and everyone seemed excited to go there. Ashton grabbed my hand whilst he was driving. I smiled and I looked at him to see a smile on his face.

We arrived at his parents house and when we parked the car the boys ran out and rang the doorbell. Me and Ashton chuckled and made our way to the house. Mrs. Williams opened the door and greeted us.

"Welcome, please come in," she said and stepped aside.

We walked in and she close the door. The boys ran off and went to play in the backyard. Me and Ashton looked back at his mother she gave us a big smile.

"How are you guys? I am happy you were able to make it," She said and we gave her a smile.

Ashton gave her a big hug and Mr. Williams came into the room. He gave us a sweet smile and it was good to see them. It has been a while since I saw them. It was nice to hang around a family it reminds me of mine. I miss my parents and being able to see them every day or often. My parents have moved here they are just getting settled in. Dean will be moving with my parents once they settle in and I'm going to miss my baby brother.

"We are doing great, Aubrey's parents moved here and she is living with me now. I couldn't be happier," Ashton told his parents and gave me a smile. I took his hand and gave it a squeeze.
"Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!" She said and she came to me and gave me another hug. I wrapped my arms around her and replied to the hug. She pulled away and looked towards Ashton once again and said, "Speaking of moving, your brother should be out soon,"

I looked over to see Ashton's reaction and he was almost emotionless, but there was a tint of pain in his eyes. I wonder what happened to his brother and why he acts like this every time his name or mention of him is brought up. Why would Blake not want to go to his father? Why does he prefer Eli? Not that I'm complaining I love the little guy.

"Look, I don't know what I am going to do when he gets here. Blake came to me a few months ago and said he didn't want to leave me. I know it is not my right to keep him and Caleb is his father, however if I find that he is in danger of some sorts. I swear I am going to fight for Blake's custody," Ashton huffed out and I have never seen him as mad as he right now. His parents looked shocked but understanding. As much as I want to know I won't push it until he wants to tell me.

I know how hard it is to tell a story I am still thinking of Tara, however Ashton and Blake have helped me move on. I guess if it was an accident and Tara is still here I wouldn't be as mad or upset at the guy who caused it. I believe that her death pushed me to Ashton and that this was a sign from Tara telling me it is okay to be happy again.

"I understand, we won't tell him where we are, so he will have to find us on his own. Don't worry we will make sure that Caleb is safe before giving Blake back to him," Mr. Williams said and I gave Ashton a side hug to comfort him. To let him know that he is not alone and that I am there for him along with his family.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz and I look down and realize it is my mother; "Sorry, I have to take this," I go away and answer my phone.

"Mother, I'm at Ashton 's parents house for dinner. I can't speak, is it important?" I ask her and I heard a gulp. Oh no this is never good

"Honey, first I want you to be calm and not freak out okay?," My mother said and I gave her a 'mhm', "well you see, the person who caused the car accident you and Tara was in, well he is out and free."

I stood there shocked I didn't know what I was going to to next. I mean the chances of seeing him is slim to none right? I guess I have gotten this far I can move on that is what Tara would want. "Okay mother, thank you for letting me know. I have to go now goodbye," with that I hung up.

I took a breath before I headed back to see Ashton and his parents along with the boys at the table. I look at all the happy faces and I know that this is where I belong.

I apologize for the short chapter </3

hope you enjoyed <3

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