XV. Roadtrip to Jackpine Road

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XV - Roadtrip to Jackpine Road

"I think it's the first time I see you that worried, little guy

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"I think it's the first time I see you that worried, little guy."


The Hargreeves relatives opened the doors of a dismal Irish pub, Diego believing Luther was in there. The man's guess was revealed to be right as they saw the depressed astronaut sitted alone at a table, a pint of beer in hand.

"Look." Klaus exclaimed, pointing at his brother. They made their way to Luther's table, Five limping as he leaned on Lysa for support. He had rejected her help several times, before sighing and letting her help him walk.

"Trying a little hair of the dog, are we ? Hm ?" Klaus mocked, stopping in front of Luther.

"Leave me alone." Luther mumbled, looking away as the Séance leaned on the table.

"Give us a minute." Diego surprisingly ordered, sitting on the chair as he waved the others away. Olivia looked at him in disbelief, forrowing her eyebrows at the sudden interest he was putting in his brother.

"Okay. Come on. Maybe they'll brood each other to death." Klaus mocked, walking away with the other three.

Five leaned against the table, leaving Lysa to sit on it. She sighed as she leaned her elbows on her lap, looking at the two brothers as they talked inaudibly. Klaus turned to Lysa and Five, before patting his wrist as if to show his missing watch. Five nodded as Lysa shrugged, before they both looked back at Luther and Diego.

"How will he convince Luther, exactly ?" she asked, looking at Olivia who leaned on the table on her other side.

"I have no idea." she shook her head, an amused smile making her way on her lips when she saw Diego's determined face.

"You should have led with that ! Jesus Christ." Luther yelled out of the blue, before he hurriedly got up and ran towards the door. Olivia walked towards Diego as Lysa put her hand on Five's shoulder and jumped off the table. She helped him towards the door as Luther broke it open, leaving the pub in a run. Diego tried putting the door back on its hinges before following everyone out.

"Emma, there you are." the blonde Hargreeves turned around to meet her shorter colleage, who seemed pretty worried. "Have you seen Mr. Luntz ?" she asked as she stopped in front of Emma, who was just about to get changed.

"Uh, no. I just got here." she replied, before turning to the police man in the corridor. He was talking to a woman but Emma couldn't see who it was. "But I believe they were in his room earlier." she pointed to them, and the woman nodded before walking to them.

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