Meeting Cristophor.(4)

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I slowly opened the door. He was truly breath taking. "Can I help you?" I asked in a casual form. "Alexandra Moore?" he inquired. "Yes, and you are?" I asked. "Cristophor Celestine", he replyed. "I'm here to keep you safe", he added casually. "Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight, you're my protector?" I asked in fake shock. To be honest, I wasn't fond of the idea of having a babysitter, but he, he was nothing I expected. "So... Aren't you going to invite me in?" he questioned. "Um... sure, make yourself comfortable",I replied as I motioned for him to sit on the fluffy sofa.

I was surprised to see him pass the sofa and into the kitchen. He opened a new bottle of expensive red, sweet wine and poured it into two glasses. "Well excuse me, who are you to come into my kitchen and open my bottle of wine like if you own the place?" I seriously asked. "Alexandra, I was sent here to protect you, but my father is also the owner of this hotel and all the other branches. So yeah, I do own the place", he replied with a boastful smile. I was really shocked by his answer but showed no signs of it.

"Here", he said handing me a glass of wine. I took it from his hand and lightly sipped a little before placing it on the granite countertop. "Tell me, Alexandra, do you think you need protection?" he inquired. "Of course I don't need protection. I was forced to do this and I only came because it's Paris", I stated confidently. "Well, until the detectives find the person who murdered your mother, you're stuck with me", he grinned. "I guess so", I chuckled.

We continued talking about any little thing that came up. Two bottles of wine and a bottle of champagne was empty. "My my look at the time", I teased. "You must get going", I added. Without a word, Cristophor got up and out the door he went. I thought to myself, "He's my dream man, but I don't know anything about him. I promise myself that I'm not going to fall for him".

I was drowsy so I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and slipped on a grey yoga pants and a white tank top and fell asleep on the recliner. "Buzz, buzz", the sound of my phone recieving a text message woke me up. As I awoke, my eyes began to decieve me. I was shocked beyond words and was terrified. "Who did this?" I thought.


What do you think of Cristophor?

What scared Alexandra?

Please keep on reading, I'm sorry if its broing you, it'll get better.


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