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Alexandra's POV
"What do you need to tell me?" I questioned. Anthony looked into my brown eyes, and I knew what he was about to say was important. He began, "I don't know the entire story, but I know Cristophor didn't kill your mother", "Morris is not who you think he is, he's a bastard who loves money, but doesn't want to work for it" ,"A couple months ago, Cristophor's dad, Nigel, was kidnapped by Morris and his wife, the lady whom you saw at the warehouse, that's Nancy Claire", "Morris wanted Nigel to sign over the hotel business, and make the owner he and his wife, otherwise, he was going to kill Cristophor", "Cristophor found out, and Morris decided to keep Nigel locked up in the warehouse and use Cristophor in any way possible", "If Cristophor were to disobey a command from Morris, Nigel would be killed", "I don't know why Morris used Cristophor against you, but I'm telling you the truth, and if we don't leave now, Cristophor and Nigel could die".

I was speechless, in my mind, the only picture present was the one of Cristophor, telling me that he didn't do it, and me, not believing him. I rubbed my eyes, and I said, "We need a plan!". "Count me in", said a familiar voice. It was Taylor. "Let's do it!" Anthony, Taylor and I said at the same time. "Okay, so here's the plan", I said.

"We'll go to the warehouse, but I'll go in alone, both of you will wait outside, but I'll be wearing a wire, so y'all will be able to hear me, and I'll pretend that I came to kill Cristophor instead of help him, then, before I 'pretend' to kill him, you'll call the police and they'll arrest Morris and Nancy,  but, I want you to call them only when I tell you to, I need to know the entire story from Morris himself", I said, scared but confident. Anthony hooked me up with the wire and all three of us went into the car and headed for the warehouse. "What if Cridtophor's d-" , I didn't even get to finish my sentence since Taylor said, "Don't say that, have faith, it'll be okay".

The car stopped and we were there. We were ready. "Okay, wish me luck!" I said, talking a deep breath. I went inside and up the stairs, and suddenly I saw blood stains on the grey, hard,cold concrete floor and I began to walk faster, looking for Morris and Cristophor. "Well, well,well, isn't this interesting, she came back, what a lucky feller you are", said Morris,but I couldn't see him. Without turning around, I said, "I'm back, I'm back to kill you, Cristophor, and you won't stop me Mr. Morris!". I knew Morris was shocked, I knew he thought that I came to to take revenge on him,but I knew how to play the game, I knew what I was doing.

"Don't touch him", Morris said. I then turned around and saw Cristophor handcuffed to a chair, but Morris was nowhere to be seen. "Don't do it Alexandra, I know you think I killed tour mother, but I didn't, don't do it, it's a trap!" he warned. "All good things must come to an end, but that end creates a new beginning", I said to him, hoping he would get the hint. And he replied, "Life is a bitch". "It most certainly is!" Morris said. He was pointing a gun to my head. How did he figure it out? What did I do wrong?

Next chapter is a continuation

Read on!!!


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