Digging Deep.(11)

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After everything that happened yesterday regarding the tapes, I decided to dig down a little deeper into my past, and all my family history. This was certainly going to take a while.

"Cristophor, can you come with me to my mother's house real quick, I need to look for some stuff", I yelled since he was across the room talking to Anthony about the latest football game. "I have to go with you, it's my job!" he replied. "Oh, and I'll just sit here, all alone, all by myself, with absolutely nothing to do, nothing at all!" Anthony sarcastically said, making his way towards me. Cristophor followed behind. "Oh please, you know you're always welcome to join us", I responded. "Ahh yes, but as much as you would love to have me there, I have some work to do", Anthony said. "And please don't stay out late", he added. Cristophor and I made our way out the door, into the elevator, passed by the lobby and into one of his many cars. We arrived at my mom's, now abandoned house about twenty minutes later.

I shoved my hand under the mat at the front door and pulled out the key. "Really, you keep the house key under the mat?" Cristophor questioned. "So?" I said, questioning his question. "So, anyone can just look under a mat and get the key, which will open this ginormous house,which will have nothing inside after they steal everything", he lectured. "Whatever!" I said, rolling my eyes at his comment. I owned the door and we went inside. "Okay, here's the deal, I want you to look for any type of...thing that can help me...you know...bank statements, letters, pictures, tapes...stuff like that, k?" I said making it very clear that this will help me find the person who's been sending me threat's and stalking me. "K",he said.

We began searching for anything that could help me catch my mother's killer, my stalker and the person who's been sending me these threats. "Hey, Alexandra, look what I've found", said Cristophor, as he pulled out a piece of paper from an envelope inside of a book. "It's a letter", he added. Out of eargerness, I snatched the paper from his hand and began to read aloud. It stated, "Dear Jacklyn, I've heard about you, being successful and a multi-millionaire, and I just wanted to say congrats. You deserve it, you also deserve to die, all these years, you have played me, and not once did you own up to it. It's a shame, I loved you, I really did. Say hi to Alexandra for me, and don't think I've forgiven you, you don't know what's coming. Love Mr. M"

"This letter was sent to my mother, but who is Mr.M?" I questioned. "I don't know, but it seems as though your mum really ticked him off about something!" Cristophor replied.
I decided to keep this, as evidence, and give it to Mr. Morris, the detective. I told Cristophor to keep searching. We searched for about two hours, when I found something. As I was walking on the wooden floor, it made a squeaking sound. I stopped and then realized it was of a slightly lighter shade than the others, so I went down on my knees and tried to pull it, and just like that, it came out. "I found more letters, and pictures", I shouted. He rushed into the room I was in and looked at the newly found evidence. It was pictures of my mum and I, and wedding pictures of my mum and some man, this was not my father. I had no idea who he was, but judging from the condition of the photograph, it must've been over ten years ago.

The letters had the same handwriting and it was also signed "Mr. M" just like the one we first discovered. These letters talked about how my mother was going to regret leaving him, and that he still loves her, but he needs to get justice for the pain she caused him. It was unbelievable, apperantely, my mother was married to some unknown man, and she left him, making him angry and seeking revenge. The entire thing was too confusing. "Hey, its getting late, we should go", I said. He nodded and we both headed for the car.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna give these to Mr. Morris", I said. "I thought hr stayed back in Malibu?" Cristophor asked. "It came down here yesterday, I must've forgot to tell you", I replied. "Umm, don't give him the evidence yet!" he added, fumbling with his words a little. "Why?", I said, kind of angry. "Because...", he tralied off. "I just...I want to get more", he fumbled again. "Well, if you say so", I replied, still a little suspicious.

Is this boring you? I hope not.

Who do you think is Mr.M?

Do you think her mum didn't tell her about the man in the picture because she was afraid of something?

It gets better!!!


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