Special Invite.(12)

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It was about twelve o' clock midnight, when I heard a knock on the door at the hotel. I was so comfortable that I didn't even want to get out of bed. I mean seriously, who would even think of stopping by this late, especially since I barely knew anyone. I got out anyways and I rubbed my hands together because the it was really cold, winter was nearing. I peered through the little hole in the door, but I saw no one. I then opened the door, and to my surprise, there was a little envelope on the ground. I picked it up and went back inside. "Oh well, well, well, what do we have here?" I questioned myself. I figured it was just another threat, so I left in on the countertop and went back to bed.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head!" Anthony yelled as Cristophor yawned. I was already up, looking at the envelope. "What's that?" Anthony asked. "Yeah, what is it?" Cristophor said, yawning, obviously still sleepy. I explained to them about what happened last night, and they were even more curious to see what was inside perhaps even a little more curious than me.

I carefully ripped the envelope open, and pulled out a piece of paper from inside. It was an invitation to a party. It read, "Dear Alexandra, you are cordially invited to the formal party, hosted by non other than Mr.Morris, whom has been a detective for almost 10 years. You are allowed to bring up to 3 guests. Please attend!!! Yours sincerely, Mr.Morris"

"Oh my, we're going to a party!" I squealed. "Um...we?" inquired Cristophor. "Well I am allowed to bring up to three guests, you and Anthony shall come along", I replied excitedly. "Oh wow, I'm surprised that you actually want to bring us along with you", Cristophor stated. "I know right, so very shocking!" Anthony teased.

"Wait, when is it?", he asked. "Tomorrow night, and it says here that it's formal, so you guys better where tuxedoes and ties and be all classic and fancy", I said. "Of course!" Cristophor teased.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!

This party is important!!


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