Reborn. (9)

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Cristophor's point of view

I was outside in the waiting room as always when I saw a woman enter the room Alexandra was in. I didn't bother to find out who it was since she looked like a nurse. About two minutes after, I heard a beeping and suddenly doctors came rushing into the room. They took approximately five minutes inside and I just stood there, in the doorway, looking, confused at what was taking place. "We need to put her on life support", a doctor said to me in a soft, caring voice. "What happened?" I asked a little rough, but I couldn't help it, I was concerned. "The plug was loose and it fell off", she replied. I thought about the lady I saw entering the room and then said, "Or... maybe, the plug was pulled!"

"Just before the beeping, a lady in a nurse uniform went into the room. She looked strange because I'd never seen her here before" I added. "Come down to the office with me and give me all the details about this mystery lady you can remember, but first, we need your permission to put her on life support otherwise she could die." "This really affected her and caused her to recieve a great shock which could have killed since she was in a coma" the doctor said. "Doctor Andrew, come quick, something's happening to her", a nurse shouted. As the doctor rushed in, I followed close behind, scared of what was happening. "Beep......." And her lifeline went flat. A cold tear ran down my cheek. That was it, that was the end of Alexandra Moore, I girl I loved, though I could never tell her that.

The doctors were about to cover her up, when suddenly, the machine which shows you your lifeline starting beeping. The once flat lifeline staring moving again. It was a miracle. Alexandra started moving. The doctors immediately rushed me out the door and out of the room and began to examin her. I immediately called Anthony and told him everything. About one hour later he arrived and we both went in and sat beside her bed. She was out of the coma and was free. She could talk, walk, eat, sleep, and do almost anything comfortably, without hesitation.  The doctors were releasing her in less than seven hours and I couldn't wait.

Visiting hours were over and I was at home getting ready to pick up Alexandra at the hospital. I sat down in the living room of the apartment and began to think. "What if she didn't wake up? What if she didn't walk me out that night?" What would have happened if she'd died?". These, were the questions that I couldn't answer, no matter how hard I thought about it. "Died and yet back to life? Stopped breathing and now full of energy?" miracles are great indeed. "But how did she come back to life?" How did her lifeline go flat and then rise back up? Did the doctors give up on her before she got up?" Questions went swirling through my mind. "What is life?"

I quickly picked up car keys and headed out the door. I picked up Anthony on the way and in about forty-five minutes, give or take a few, we had arrived at the hospital. We got out of the car and went inside, up the elevator, to her floor, talked to the hospital clerk for that area and went into her room. She was already waiting and her bags were already packed. She looked stunning. Even though the doctor told her not to move about too much and wear so much heels and heavy clothing, she managed to pull off a beautiful beige top with a tight waistband, a high wasted jeans and a nude coloured heels which smacked in the marble floor whenever she walked. Her eyes met mine and I casually looked away before she expected anything and Anthony had a smirk on his face the entire time. "Well, are you ready?" I asked. ""Yup!" Let's go, she replied.

Anthony and I carried her bag while she finalized everything at the front desk. We were out the door in about ten minutes and back to the hotel in about an hour, thanks to a little bit of traffic. I looked at her one last time before we came out of the car and I knew instantly, something wasn't right. But what?

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