14. As Long As you're Close To Me

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Syracuse, NY

                Christian glanced back at me as the officer walked over to us. "What do we have this time?"

                I looked back at the officer as he said, "The poor kid had his eyes ripped out and his tongue is missing."

                I nodded my head back at him, "Thanks I guess."

                Christian glanced down at the ground that was covered in water as the rain picked up, "The eyes and the tongue."

                "They are sending a message."

                "They killed a rat." Christian looked back as the kid was placed into a body bag. "He doesn't look older than 14."

                "That's because he was only 13." Graham said as he walked over to us holding the evidence bag of the kid's ID.

                I shook my head, "I know that neighborhood."

                Christian looked back at Graham, "Have they gotten any tips?"

                "Everyone around here won't say a word." I said back to him as the rain dripped from the rim of my hood. "They see us as power and power is deadly in this neighborhood."

                Graham pointed back at me, "They barely wanted to talk when they say you two steps out of the car. I mean that lady across the street turned around and just ran for her house."

                "What house are you talking about?" I asked him.

                "The white one with the black shutters." Graham said back to me.

                I nodded my head back at him, "Go to the front door with Christian."

                "What do you have planned?" Christian looked at me waiting for something.

                "She knows something and I'm not leaving without it." I said as I went toward the alley.

                Graham nudged Christian on the arm, "You think we are gonna get anything?"

                "No and the way Jordana looks, we should be ready for anything." Christian said back to him.

                Graham nodded his head as they went toward the house.

                Christian pushed the doorbell as the curtains shifted but no one came to the door.

                Graham grabbed the screen door and opened it then pounded on the wooden door, "Come on we saw the movement. You are only hurting yourself when we just wanna ask a simple little question."

                Christian shook his head, "There is no point."

                Graham glanced up as the inside door swung open.

                The old lady nodded her head back at him as Graham walked into the house with Christian behind him.

                Christian looked down at me sitting on the couch as the old lady shut the door, "Did you hurt her?"

                "No, I don't do that." I smiled back at him.

                Graham smiled back at me as the older lady glared back at us.

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