50. Carry on My Wayward Son

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Back at the house, Jared walked through the door rubbing his eyes, "I need a drink."

Cassie nodded her head, "I can go for a drink."

Jensen looked back at him, "Go ahead, I will see out in the garden."

Jared nodded his head as Jax and Graham followed them into the kitchen.

Everleigh and Aurelia went into the kitchen as Jensen went down the hallway toward the library.

Boone stopped and watched Jensen vanish around the corner.

Graham looked back at his brother, "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna take a beer to him. He needs something." Boone grabbed a beer from Graham and went down the hallway to Jensen.

Boone pushed the door open to find Jensen looking out over the back yards, "I thought you would like this."

Jensen took the beer from him, "Thanks man."

Boone smiled back at him, "It's been a rough time for you."

Jensen glanced back at him.

"I mean with the Danneel thing and now with Mrs. Kavanaugh using you. I'm sorry bro."

"You know for a second, I thought you actually cared."

Boone looked back at Jensen.

Jensen shook his head as he put the beer down on a table, "It doesn't matter, in a few days we are all out of here."

"You don't sound happy about that."

"I'm moving my daughter yet again. You think that is the best for her?"

"I thought she wasn't yours?" Boone looked back at him.

"She is my daughter." Jensen snorted back at him.

"Oh, I just thought that Cassie and Jordana talked about how she wasn't."

"You know Boone, you are talking and pushing some buttons that maybe you shouldn't be."

Boone nodded his head back at Jensen, "I'm only asking because I don't want her ending up like Danneel."

Jensen narrowed his eyes back at him.

"JJ doesn't need to know about the bullshit that Danneel started and what happened to her."

"JJ will know when the time is right." Jensen said back to him.

"No, she doesn't need to know." Boone said back to him.

"And why do you think you have any right when it comes to JJ?"

"Because I'm her father," Boone looked back at Jensen.

At the court building, I bent down picking up the photo of Christian with Avery at her first Christmas. I smiled as Avery was laughing at something that Christian had done.

I looked back as there was nothing but papers all over the floor.

I saw the one of Christian's college degree.

There was another from the army.

Christian did everything that he could and he wanted the best for Avery.

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