Chapter Twenty Four.

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I'm sitting on the floor of the hospital and I can hear my own heart beating, I can't hear anything else... The doctors are talking to me, I can see their lips moving but I can't hear a thing.
My whole body is numb, I am sitting on the hard floor; and staring at the walls that are closing in on me. The thought of him leaving makes me sick.
Waiting for an answer about wither he'll make it or not felt like an eternity. For a second I wanted the doctors to rush to me and tell me that he's okay, that me and my baby are going to leave this shit hole, then Zayn and I can start our happily ever after, together, that's what me and him always talked about, being together forever. Zayn is strong, he is going to make it, and I can feel it in my bones.

After a few hours, doctor Devine came out of the room with his head down, "No! This can't be happening." I thought. He finally spoke: "I'm sorry for your loss, Ma'am, we did everything we could, but the cyst just exploded inside of his brain.", and there it was, the moment that I mostly feared. I was screaming but I couldn't hear myself, I can swear that it felt like my heart was being torn apart. He's gone, he left and took our happily ever after with him. Doctors and nurses surrounded me asking me to calm down, and that's when I finally spoke: "HE CAN'T LEAVE ME, ZAYN CAN'T LEAVE ME, HE CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, WE PLANNED OUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER, I CAN'T LIVE THAT WITHOUT HIM, PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO WAKE HIM UP. WAKE UP, ZAYN."

I rushed to his room as fast as the lightning, and there he was, with a white sheet covering him and his beautiful face... I slowly took the sheet off of his face with my trembling hands and looked at his cheeks, they always had a hint of red on them, and it was gone. I wanted to hold his face one last time, so I did, and it was as cold as ice.
I pressed my forehead against his and whispered: "Wake up, wake up, we have plans, remember, baby? You were going to meet my Dad... Can you sing me a song? The let me love you one? I miss your voice, Zayn." And then I collapsed and started screaming: CAN YOU PLEASE FUCKING WAKE UP; I AM NOTHING WITHOUT YOU, NOTHING!" I continued screaming the same words over and over and over until the doctors grabbed me then dragged me out of his room.

** Black. I was dressed up in black, I was able to contact his mother who arranged the funeral, it didn't hit me yet that he actually did leave, until I saw him, sleeping peacefully in his coffin, Marcel and Jennifer came but all I felt was numb and empty. I had no more tears. "We're gathered here, in the name of god..." The priest started talking but I didn't listen, I knew I had a speech to say in a few minutes but I just couldn't focus. As the priest called me over, I approached, glancing at Zayn's body. "Hello, my name is Maria and I'm Zayn's girlfriend, When Zayn left, he took a piece of me, I never saw his death coming but it just happened." I took a deep breath, and looked at the crowd of people, I saw some frat boys, family members that I've never seen before, it's sad that I didn't meet his family before, we could've done that. "Zayn is a genuine guy, he taught me how to live and to take risks, he showed me what it feels like to fall in love, I love you Zayn, and I always will." And as I looked over again, I broke down. I broke down as I saw Jennifer rushing over, it finally hit me, he's gone, I'm never kissing him again nor hugging him, I'm never going to listen to his voice again, he's gone. ** The burial was next, as they let down his body,6ft underground, the world around me was silenced, as I threw a rose, I started getting flashbacks. His funny jokes, his laugh, his voice and just him. He was gone. And I felt incomplete.
Authors POV;
Convenient innit?
This was last the last chapter, an epilogue will be up in a few days x
nats&hibz x

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