Chapter Six.

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Zayn's POV;

I entered the class and surprisingly Maria was smiling at me. I guess Louis really did tell her.

As the class was over I followed Maria but she didn't seem to notice as my words made her turn around "Go on a date with me? Tonight?" To my surprise, she nodded with a shy smile and headed back.
Maria's POV;

As I entered the room I was speechless, he just asked me out on a date my thoughts were filled of what to wear and what if I messed up, i don't even know where we're going, should I dress fancy? My thoughts were soon interrupted by a text that flashed on my phone "I'm going to pick you up at 8 alright? Dress fancy btw I took your number from Louis ha. Zayn :)x"

I replied after couple of minutes not wanting to sound too thirsty "Cool x". Cool? Seriously Maria?

I still had three hours left as Jennifer entered the room I saw a figure on the other side of the door, and oh is th- why did Marcel kiss Jennifer? Seriously Jennifer and Marcel? Wow.

I didn't really care that much as soon as Jennifer turned around all giggly I told her the news. " Zayn Malik asked me out on a date and I have nothing to wear" she screamed. She literally screamed as she grabbed my hand and placed me on the chair she brought the curler out and brought couple of dresses and placed them on the bed I eyed them as she curled my hair, I wanted the red one. Its not really formal nor casual, she started doing my make up as she shoved me in the bathroom I dressed quickly with some black heels that were like 5cm high, by the time I was ready it was already 8;10, I shrugged it off, another 20 minutes passed by as I began to give up I started removing me shoes as I heard a knock at the door, Jennifer clapped her hands and quietly chanted, I'm glad she's around.

I opened the door, hoping it was Zayn, and there he was, he gave me an apologetic smile.
Zayn's POV;

Yes I was an asshole but I wouldn't let a girl wait that much on purpose. " Sorry there was so much traffic" she nodded as we drove to the restaurant I have to admit, she looked pretty hot.

As we entered my all time favorite restaurant Zuks.

We both sat down, and ordered some Karatchi, it was an Indian restaurant after all.

"So Maria, tell me about yourself." I was the first to speak.

"Well im American, lived in Michigan my whole life, i have a smaller brother my parents are divorced so I lived with my dad because my mum didn't want me and my brother and why am I telling you that?" I chuckled at her. At the same time I felt bad, not for trying to take her heart away but I felt sorry that she allowed a guy like me enter her life. "So what about you? Tell me about yourself?" She continued talking.

"Uhmm well, I lived in Bradford my whole life, I have three other sisters, I was raised by a single mother and its my second year in college" why did I tell her all that? "Oh its my first year!" she cheerfully said like she didn't just state the obvious.

"Are you a virgin?" I said with no care In the world, she gasped, her eyes widened at my question as she answered "That's inappropriate to ask, and its none of your business too." Yup, definitely a virgin.

"So are you like waiting for marriage or something?" She gave me the same expression which made me laugh. "I'm just waiting for the right one." The right one. Right.

The rest of the night went normal, I think she liked me enough for a kiss that I'd definitely take further.

I paid the bill as we left the restaurant. The drive back to the campus was filled with a comfortable silence, it was nice really.

I walked her back to the dorm, I was going to make a move.
Maria's POV;

We walked back in silence, as we arrived to my room, I quickly spoke "Thank you for tonight Zayn, I really appreciate it" I kissed him on the cheek as I was about to turn around he grabbed my wrist and made me face him, his full red lips were attached to mine in seconds, I fluttered my eyes closed as I kissed back grabbing his neck for support, fireworks and butterflies name whatever kind of rush that would happen in your stomach because of excitement and nervousness was currently happening in my stomach. As he was about to take it further I pulled back and said my goodbyes with a cheeky grin the look on his face was priceless. I guess he really wasn't used to rejection. I loved it. I wanted him to want me, to want more of me, and that's what I did.

I entered my room,I felt my knees going weak as Jennifer came closer to me and basically yelled in my ear "I heard it! He fucking kissed you oh my god Zayn Malik kissed you oh my god did he grab your ass and massage your boobs oh my god I bet it felt so good coming from him" I laughed so hard at her as I quietly responded. "He didn't grab anything Jennifer, it was a goodbye kiss that's all" I saw her smile fade away as I started to laugh again.
Zayn's POV;

She fucking pulled back. She pulled back from my kiss, but at least she kissed back at first, god I wanted to take her innocence away, but now, I'm pretty sure I have her around my fingers which means, Game on.
Author's note;
I rewrote this chapter because I accidentally deleted it was so much more detailed I cried for two minutes but then started to write it again haha, anyways what do you guys think? Was that good? That was nothing, wait for the next chapters, I'm about to take you on an emotional rollercoaster ha, love you guys x don't forget to add the story to your library.

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