Chapter Five.

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Maria's POV;

"What?! Why would you tell him Louis, it was supposed to stay between me and you, why would you tell him I knew?" I yelled at Louis. Why would he tell him, and now he's going to stay away from me, wait why do I want him to stay near anyway? But still, I thought Louis was my friend.

"I'm really sorry Maria, it's just, I thought it would be better that way, so he just stays away" he apologizes.

"I can't believe you did that Louis I thought you were my friend, and now the whole act is ruined I just wanted to know where was he taking this.. Me and him.." I quietly said to hear a harsh response from Louis" There's no you and him Maria, wake the fuck up he just wants sex" I stared at him in shock.

I turned my head and started walking as Jennifer and Marcel followed after.
Zayn's POV;

I sat in my apartment playing video games, yes I'm in a fraternity but living there was impossible since I get pissed off at everything so I moved, I heard a knock at my door as my eyes widened at what I saw.

"And what do you want?" I said with a sharp tone.

" I just want to talk real quick" Louis said.

I moved from the door and let him in, as he placed himself on the couch.

" Listen, just don't hurt Maria okay? She's too innocent she barely had any boyfriends, just stay away from her, find another girl." I knew he was going to tell all that to Maria so I played it wisely.

"No mate,I think I actually like the girl, like there's something about her, she's just so innocent and yeah I want that in my life" I almost believed my own lie. If that.

Louis gasped at my words and bought it so he just nodded and stood up, he said his goodbyes and left. I'm going to win my bet, Zayn Malik never loses a bet.
Maria's POV;

I quietly rested on my bed as I  heard  Jennifer and Marcel hitting it off with each other. Who thought. The beauty and the geek. No offense. Next thing I heard, a loud knock on my door Jennifer stood up and opened the door, as I saw Louis' small figure coming closer to me he quickly grabbed my hand and led me out of the room I just stayed quiet and didn't fight it, after all I'm used to this, hell I almost got kidnapped the other day, Louis turned to me and he was heavily breathing.

"He actually likes you" he said out of no where I just stared back at him. " Zayn actually likes you Maria, he told me" why am I smiling? I don't even like the guy, I think. "So?" I chuckled. Louis raised and eyebrow at me and quickly said " if a guy likes you, you give him a chance, you need a guy like him in your life anyways, you need to live in the moment Maria, loosen up a bit" Louis cheerfully said. "Excuse me Louis? Are you calling me boring?" I faked a surprised tone and dramatically held me chest trying to change the subject.

" whatever Maria, just go for it yeah? Don't hold back" I shyly nodded, I dont even know Zayn properly but, its a good start.

Louis gave me a quick hug and left as I entered my room again with this stupid grin on my face, Zayn malik actually likes me.
Author's note;
Little did she know eh? sorry for the short chapter and thank you guys for the reads and votes what do you think of the story so far? Do you like it? Let me know don't be a ghost reader, haha love you guys x
By the way I made an Instagram account for the fan fiction, I'll be posting my edits there and I'll post that I'm about to update on the Instagram account so go follow it if you like the fanfic so far, and DM me if  you have any thoughts to improve it; Illusionzaria.
Byee x

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