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Zayn's POV;
"Zayn! Come down here." I've heard someone call me from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" I yelled back.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw my mum, wearing all black.
"Zayn baby, we're visiting your father's grave today."
I nodded my head and left with a small ache in my heart, I wish I met my father, my mum Maria told me he was a nice person who died from a rare disease, it saddens me really.
As I got dressed we went to the car and I grabbed an apple on my way since the cemetery is 20 minutes away.
We grabbed some flowers and rushed there.
As we arrived I saw my mum taking her time,she never stopped going there, every holiday, every Friday, and every anniversary.
Today, is the day that my dad died, eight years ago.
She never really did move on.
Maria's POV;
Eight years. Eight years since My Zayn died, its hard, it really is, he left me here with a very beautiful gift, my other Zayn, I tried dating a year ago but it never really worked really, my heart will always belong to the guy who was an asshole to me like 9 years ago, I see him a lot, in my dreams of course, I wish I can touch him again, I stayed friends with Marcel and Jennifer, they told me everything about me and Zayn before I lost my memory, its hard, hearing about this, my heart still aches to this day.
As we approached Zayn's grave, a single tear rolled down my cheek, thinking of all the memories, the heartbreaks, the fights, it was all so real and it still hunts me till this day, I know Zayn wouldn't want me living my life this way but I can't help it, I'm strong enough though, I'm raising my only child as a single mother and I'm kicking ass.
I kneeled in front of the grave as I started talking.
"Hello Zaynie, I miss you baby, I hope you're watching over me and our son, my last piece of you, I love you, and I'll never stop loving you, you promised an eternity with you and I'm here, completing your promise while you're above, I brought you flowers baby, hope you're doing well up there my forever, I love you and your son loves you baby."
Years and Years later.
Maria's POV;
As my son and and his wife and daughter sat beside me on the hospitals uncomfortable chairs, I knew I've made it, I've made my Zaynie up there proud and its time to rejoin him, I felt my breath slowly stop, my son rushed to call the doctors as his wife and daughter tried to come closer and were stopped by the doctors everything was in slow motion around me and I just smiled as I saw a figure coming closer, I'm finally reuniting with My Zayn, he held his hand out for me to take, and I took it, the day I've been waiting for all my life finally came, and I'm finally with my Zayn, as we promised, an eternity together.
Authors note;
So that's the end of Illusion, hope you guys liked this fanfiction, I had fun writing it and I'll probably write more in the future, all the love. Nataly.x

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