TWENTY-ONE. marbles

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ALL PLAYERS FOLLOWED AS THEY, entered they same white room again, this time everyone was teaming either with each other or against each other. but unlike sae-byeok and yujin who had teaming since the begging of their friendship they didn't want to play any game a duo because something out of the worst could happen to them. they each gathered in their groups - four groups in total. "players, welcome to the fourth game. for this game, you will be playing in teams of two."

"please look around and find someone you wish to play with. when two people agree to play together, shake hands to show you have become partners. let me repeat the instructions." everyone's eyes wondered looking at people in judgement thinking of playing against each other even if they were in the same group. "there can only be a team of two. you will have ten minutes to find your partner." looking around yujin saw both ji-yeong and sae-byeok shake hands in agreement. the sadness filled her up, looking for anyone who would want to play with her.

yujin walked over to the elderly man before hitting her question away, "hello, may you be my partner?" the elderly slowly looked up to her before smiling. " I-i already h-have a partner, I am s-sorry." he stuttered. the man pointed to gi-hun who was helping sangwoo solve a problem. "a-ah, ok that's no problem." she bowed to him, "thank you" luckily this lady ended up wanting to play with her player 070. she thanked her for wanting to play with her but she was sorry she had took her away from her husband's team. "the time for finding a partner is now over."

"you guys, you're all making a big mistake. do you really think you can win without me on your team?" the lady screamed from the top of her lungs but ended up being ignored by others and being walked over. "it's me, han mi-nyeo! I've made suckers out of everyone there is from dongducheon to gangnam! guys.." she desperately ran to an old man and grabbed his arms in a begging position, "what if you have to play gonggi or elastics? I'm an expert in those. babe, please, play with me. boys aren't very good at those."

"shall we go?" yujin asked the woman who gladly took her hand to interlock it, as they walked out of the green door they meet with a whole lot of guards. all players were meant to stay next to their partners except han mi-nyeo who had been left behind the green big doors. "attention. all players, please follow the staff to your designated positions for the game". a guard walked up front of them and lead them next to a valley near where sae-byeok and ji-yeong were standing. yujin quickly waved to ji-yeong, not long after the woman started speaking into the PA. 

"players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you." the staff stuck out his hands and their eyes landed on a small brown bag in which carried some items in there. as they opened the bag they were founded with ten marbles inside. "there should be a set of ten marbles in each bag. please check to confirm the number." marbles? yujin thought of any game that they could be playing but one stood out the most was where you would have to guess wether it was even or odd that were placed in the person's hand. 

"in this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner. the player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins. let me repeat the instructions." the lady looked into yujin's eyes trying to be strong - either she looses and dies or she wins and goes to the next game with her husband. "do you know any game you'd like to play?" the lady told her. "you will have 30 minutes for this game. let the game begins." as the clock started ticking yujin placed the marbles into her palm.

yujin nodded at her as she got down on the floor and traced a circle in the sand. she ten lined up the marbles she had among both bags, followed them being placed in a 't' shape. as she used the shooter which was a rock they had picked up from the floor she threw it against a marble that was lined up. the point was to get the marbles out of the circle if you succeed you get to keep the marbles that were out of the circle. she failed to get any on her first try.

next was player 070's turn, she cradled the rock in her hand and alined it against the closest marble to her as she threw the rock it knocked out two marbles out of the circle for her to keep. she placed the rock in yujin's hand for her to go next she does the same thing and also gets three marbles out. after a couple more rounds yujin had the lead in the game she need three more marbles to win the game against the lady. she handed the rock over to the lady who looked like she wanted a chance to win.

although she went her turn she failed and passed it along to yujin who looked thankful for her communication throughout the whole game. she looked to the side to see that ji-yeong and sae-byeok both had stood up now getting ready to play their game, she didn't want to loose any of her friends today. she couldn't bare to see them so she turned around and focused on her game. "come on, you can do. you get get out of this hell hole and live a great life with your family and friends, while me I have just me and my husband he can manage himself without me."

the lady placed her hand into the circle and grabbed the two marbles that were left and reached out for yujin's hand she gently placed them in her palm as she walked up the the guard, she waved at her last goodbye. "good luck, you can do this." less then ten seconds a gunshot was heard the lady was on the ground bleeding out from her skull. 

meanwhile, "you can do it. don't die in here, okay?" ji-yeong told sae-byeok who had her interlocked with the wall. "and go..take care of yujin for me, huh?" sae-byeok left out a tear of sadness. "take her to meet your mother, live a happy life with her. take her to jeju island with you if you don't have anyone else." ji-yeong let out the biggest smile she could bearing in her tears.

as yujin stood up she heard someone call her name, ji-yeong. she faced her as her whole body turned around. "I love you!" yujin eyes broke in tears, her heart shattered in seconds. "yujin, although you wont have me there with you, you'll have sae-byeok to guid you along." yujin thought of going to hug her but kang sae-byeok got a hold of her and turned her around to face the exit. a familiar gunshot was heard. she didn't want to imagine her friend lying dead on the floor, it was the last thing she wanted to see.

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can someone show me how to write sad scenes. I cannot

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