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Cover by: SxmplyMoxxi

-Mentions death family member

George's POV

I was laying down on the couch as my mother knelt down next to it.

'What's wrong, honey? What do you feel?' she asked, planting a short and tender kiss on my overheated face.

'I have so much pain in my leg,' I whispered as an answer. 'And I feel really sick.'

'Which leg, sweetheart?' my mother asked as she lifted my sweats up to my thighs.

'Right,' I mumbled as she looked at my leg.

'Here?' she questioned as she pointed to my knee. 'There's swelling here. Did you hurt yourself by accident?'

'I don't remember that I did. I must have remembered it, right?'

She nodded her head and then stood up. 'I'm calling a doctor. Maybe there's a big infection inside of your body, because I think you have a fever too.'

She pressed some numbers on the phone and sat down next to me again as she held my hand after putting the phone on speaker.

'Hello! You're speaking with Grace Davidson, I'm calling for my son, George.'

'What can I help you with?' a man asked on the other side of the call.

'He has been having a lot of pain in his leg recently. His leg is swollen and warm and I think he might also be sick,' my mother explained.

'Okay, does he have trouble walking?'

'Yeah, he can't use his leg right now. He came home from school because he's in so much pain,' she answered.

'Okay, then I'd like you to come today at three pm,' he stated.

'Today? That's quick,' my mother wondered.

'Mhm, we just need to do some tests and it's important so I made a spot free,' he answered.

'Okay, thank you. Have a nice day,' my mother lastly added and then she hung up. 'Did you hear it, honey?'

I had my eyes closed because I was so tired and in so much pain. 'Mum, it feels like someone is sticking knives through my bones,' I sobbed. 'I feel so bad.'

'Come here.' My mother pulled me closer into her arms and ran her hand through my hair. 'I'm here with you.'

'Don't get sick too,' I whispered.

'Honey, I don't mind being sick. I want to be here to comfort you, sweetheart. Would you like me to call Sapnap? Does he know you left?' she questioned.

'No, he doesn't. You can call him,' I answered as I gave her my phone, closing my eyes again.

'Hey George! Where did you go?' I heard Sapnap voice on the other side.

'It's George's mother. He's not feeling well at all, he has an extreme amount of pain in his leg and we are going to the doctor at three,' she explained.

'Can he hear me?' Sapnap questioned.

'He can.'

'Okay. George, good luck today. Do you want to let me know what's going on if they know anything? I'm here for you, dude. Love you and take care,' he comforted me.

I was too tired to reply and smiled.

'He's smiling, but he's really tired right now. I'm going to let him sleep now.'

'Okay, good luck and sleep well. I hope you feel better soon,' Sapnap exclaimed.

'Thank you,' I whispered with a hoarse voice.

My mother hung up again and smiled at me as she ran her hand over my cheek. 'Do you want me to call your sister to help me lift you to your room or would you rather stay here?'

'Stay here, if I can.'

'Of course,' she accepted. 'Let me grab your pillow from upstairs. Do you want a blanket?'

'No, thank you,' I mumbled. 'Just a pillow.'

My mother ran to the stairs and came back with my pillow and my small stuffed animal. It was a panda and I hugged it against my body. I might have been fourteen years old, but I loved my panda. He had been here when I was sad about my oldest brother passing away.

My brother passed away ten years ago. He was nine and I was four back then when he got into a car accident and died immediately. I had a lot of trouble with it for years, but finally accepted he was in a better place now.

I got overwhelmed by the pain again and rested my head against my panda as my mother ran her hand through my hair.

'Close your eyes, sweetie,' she whispered as she kissed my cheek. 'I'll wake you up at three.'

'I don't think I can sleep. I'm in so much pain,' I admitted as I looked at my mother again.

'Can you turn to your side so I can rub your back? You used to get calm if I did that when you were sad in the past.'

I slowly turned to my left side and my mother started massaging my back while she sang a song to me. I had my eyes closed as I focused on her hand and I kept dozing off, shaking myself back awake.

After a while I still fell asleep and my mother woke me up when it was just a little bit before three. My sister was sitting on a chair, waiting for me to wake up and smiled.

'Hi, I was asked to help mum to lift you to the car,' she smiled, ruffling my hair.

I rolled my eyes and nodded slowly. 'I can't deal with this pain,' I whispered.

I saw my mother had a hard time hearing me being in pain so she swallowed her tears as she lifted me up with my sister to get me to the car. I was softly crying because of the pain it gave me and then got laid down in the back of the car, on our way to the doctor.

My sister stayed home since she had to do her homework and my dad was at work, but I was sure they'd be interested in how it went later this evening.

We drove to the doctor and my mother stepped out. 'Hold on, honey. I'll ask if someone can help me carry you.'

I nodded slowly and looked at my mother running off to go inside. I waited in silence for her to come back and I saw she was walking with my doctor. He smiled at me as he held a wheelchair and opened the car door.

'Hi, George! I got a wheelchair for you and we can immediately go to my office,' he smiled as he helped me get into the wheelchair.

I had so much pain that tears rolled down my face even when I didn't want them to. The doctor drove me inside and I immediately got laid down on a bed in his room.

'Could you tell me what's wrong?'

'My leg hurts so much and I don't feel well either.'

'Can you show me your leg?' he asked me.

I slowly lifted my sweats up to my thighs and traced his hand along my left leg first. He nodded and then looked at my right leg, pointing at my knee. 'Is this where it hurts the worst?'

I nodded and he gently touched it which caused me to shoot up and gasp.

'It's really swollen and warm. I'd like you to go to the hospital today,' he stated after a while.

'Why?' I whispered.

'I want them to take an X-ray,' he answered as he lifted me into my wheelchair again. He wrote something down on a note and handed it to my mother.

I got driven back to the car again. Everything went so fast that I barely realised I was now going to the hospital for an emergency X-ray.

1286 words

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