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-Just mentions only

Clay's POV

I stayed with George for as long as I needed to stay in the hospital and then I had a long break from chemo to rest for a little. I was allowed to go home again, but this time for a bit longer. After a few weeks, I had to come back for another chemo session.

The cancer cells in my blood did go down, it was not gone obviously, but the doctors saw it very hopefully which caused me to feel happier.

I stood next to George's bed. He was sitting up, struggling to eat a bowl with yoghurt. He was still tired, but luckily he did better than he did a few days ago. His leg was healing very well and once his wound was healed, someone would come to the hospital to get a prosthetic leg for him. Then he would start rehabilitation.

I smiled at George as I hugged him.

'I'm going home right now,' I told him as I gave my dad my bag since I was too weak to carry it. George lifted himself up and wrapped his arms around me.

'I'm happy for you,' he smiled. 'Do you still want to visit me sometimes? I'm going to miss you a lot otherwise.'

'I will, at least three times a week.'

George smiled. 'Clay, is it unfair to talk about my hair?' he whispered.

'It's not, what's up with that?' I asked with a smile.

George blushed out of excitement and pulled his beanie off, pointing to very little hairs on his head.

'Aww, you're so cute,' I giggled when he smiled brightly. I kissed his head and ran my hand over it. 'I can feel them a tiny bit.'

'It's going to take very long, but it's growing already!' he cheered, making a soft and happy sound after that.

'You're way too cute,' I grinned. 'I'm going to miss you a lot. Do you want to video call every evening? I might go to bed very early though. I think I'll go to bed around eight.'

George nodded. 'We can call around seven?'

'Okay,' I answered, hugging him one more time.

Then I turned around and my dad and I slowly started walking to his car. I sighed softly after walking for a minute and sat down on the ground.

'I'm really tired. Can I rest for a second?' I asked.

My dad sat next to me and nodded. 'Of course. Do you want me to get you a wheelchair?'

'Please,' I nodded. 'I'm very easily exhausted.'

'Of course. I'll get you a wheelchair,' he answered as he stood up to walk off.

He came back a few minutes later and lifted me up in the wheelchair as I rested my head against his hand, closing my eyes. I was so incredibly tired after all the chemo and the cancer constantly being in a fight with my healthy cells.

I let my dad drive me to the car and I stepped inside, putting my chair backwards as I fastened my seatbelt. I immediately closed my eyes as my dad ran his hand over my hat.

'Do you want to sleep at home or do you want to do something with me and your brother?' he asked.

'Like what?'

'I don't know, watching a movie?'

'I might fall asleep, but that sounds like fun,' I smiled as I looked at him shortly.

'Also, you know it's your brother's birthday soon, right? I wanted to go to the zoo with him and I wondered if you wanted to come too. Obviously, I'm getting a wheelchair for you and we will rest whenever you need to.'

'And George?' I mumbled.

My dad started the car and looked up to think. 'If we go in two months? Then you had your chemo session and you're home again, George is then way further in his recovery and maybe Sapnap can come too.'

'That would be fun,' I whispered. 'I love you, dad. Thanks for loving me too.'

'Of course.'

I smiled and sighed as I grabbed George's bear and pulled my hat off to grab George's beanie. I held his beanie for a little and then put it on my head, smiling as I felt close to him like this.

The car ride passed by quickly since I slept for ten minutes and then I sat down with my brother and dad on the couch. I got a couch for myself so I could lay down and my brother sat with my dad on another couch.

I really liked the movie, but I still ended up falling asleep midway.


When I woke up, it was already dinner time. I sat at the table to eat a few bites. Since my mouth was sore from the chemo and I didn't have any hunger at all, I ended up laying back down on the couch as my dad knelt down next to me.

'Clay, do you think I'd be able to go to school now you're at home or do I tell the teachers that you're still too sick?'

'I want to go,' I whispered. 'But maybe not tomorrow.'

'Of course not. We can start next week and maybe we start with a few hours at first, okay?'

I nodded. 'I need to call George but I'm so tired.'

'Do you want me to text him that you're going to sleep?' my dad asked.

I shook my head and grabbed my phone. 'I'll call him shortly. Can you maybe help me get upstairs?'

'Of course, honey,' he answered with a smile. He helped me up and we walked the stairs together.

I laid down on my bed and called George. He immediately picked up and smiled. 'Hi!'

'Hi,' I whispered, smiling softly.

'Are you okay? You look so tired.'

'Yeah, I am really tired. I still wanted to call you, though,' I giggled softly.

'I'm glad you've called, but I want you to sleep now, okay? The doctor told me we are going to start rehabilitation next week since the wound is healing very well!'

'I'm so happy for you,' I answered, laying my head down on my pillow after taking off the beanie George gave me.

'I'm sorry, I wanted to call you for longer, but I'm going to fall asleep.'

George started a sentence and I tried to listen, but I got so tired that I let my phone fall on my chest and fell asleep without hanging up.

1083 words

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