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-Mentions chemotherapy

George's POV

I rested my head on my mother's shoulder while we waited for the results of my X-ray. I was really tired and still had a lot of pain which caused me to sob softly every now and then.

An hour later a nurse walked in and I got driven in a wheelchair to a room. She sat down in front of me and was quiet for a little when we sat down.

'Your X-ray wasn't too great. First of all, we found out you've broken your leg which is weird since you didn't fall or anything. We saw an abnormal mass around your knee which isn't good.'

'What does it mean?' I whispered.

She sighed softly and looked down at her papers. 'We suspect it's a tumour. You'll immediately need an MRI scan. We will inject contrast material into your vein so we can determine whether it's actually a tumour or something different.'

I was shocked as I looked at my mother who was crying now. She grabbed my hand as she sniffed softly and the nurse handed her a napkin to blow her nose.

'If it's a tumour, you'll need a CT-scan to see if the cancer might have spread somewhere. After that, you need a bone scan and lastly a PET scan. If we are pretty sure that it's cancer, you'll need a biopsy.'

I didn't know what to say and held my mother tightly as I felt my eyes fill with tears.

'But luckily bone cancer is really treatable,' she ended as she laid her pencil down. 'I'm planning the MRI scan today and the upcoming days you'll be in the hospital a lot for all the tests and checks. For your broken bone, you'll need surgery since it won't heal easily otherwise. We do that after we have all the results.'

I had no words and just looked at my hands as I sighed softly. 'But I'm so young,' I whispered. 'I'm only fourteen.'

'Unfortunately people between ten and nineteen get a specific type of bone cancer the most.'

'What happens if I have cancer?' I questioned as a tear rolled down my face.

'You'll get chemotherapy so the cancer cells won't spread and will lower. Then after that you'll get surgery to remove the tumour and we end with chemo again.'

'What if they can't remove it?' my mother wondered as she sat up, wiping her tears away.

'He'll need amputation, but we are definitely not that far yet. Let's firstly confirm it's actually cancer. You can get an MRI scan in half an hour,' she confirmed as she smiled and walked to the door. 'You can wait there, a doctor will pick you up.'

My mother drove me to the waiting room and I sat down next to her with a sad look on my face. 'I'm going to call Sapnap if that's okay,' I whispered.

'That's alright, honey,' she sniffed.

I grabbed my phone and typed my code in, staring at my background with Sapnap. A picture where I was still standing up and smiling...

I quickly swiped away and went to Sapnap's and my chat, clicking on the call button. He should have been home by now.

I waited for a bit and then he picked up, greeting me. I didn't talk back for a second and just stared.

'George? Are you okay? What's up?' he concernedly asked me.

'Sapnap, it's probably really bad,' I whispered, trying not to break down. 'Really bad...'

'What's going on?' Sapnap exclaimed. I heard him stand up and walk through his room nervously.

'They think I might have bone cancer.'

A silence overtook the call. No one said anything anymore and I sniffed softly as I rested my head against my mother's shoulder.

'Bone cancer?' Sapnap repeated with a voice crack. 'What will happen if you have that?'

'I'll get that stupid chemo. I really don't want chemo and I need surgery too. I even might need amputation if it doesn't shrink enough,' I yelled as I hit the chair out of anger. 'I'm fourteen, I don't want cancer. It's so unfair!'

'Calm down, sweetheart,' my mother shushed me, pulling me closer to her. 'It's really unfair, but let's just hope for the best, okay?'

'I want to be a kid who can enjoy his youth and run around and be happy,' I sobbed. 'Now I will be so sick and-.'

'It's going to be okay,' Sapnap interrupted me. 'They know really well what they are doing, okay? Do you want me to come over tonight to stay the night?'

'Please,' I whispered.

'I will, when are you at home?'

'I'm not sure,' I answered. 'I'm waiting for a doctor to take me for an MRI scan now.'

'Okay, just call me.'

'Alright,' I replied. We talked shortly and then I hung up while my mother called my father with my sister next to him. They were already at home by now.

She told the news and then I got taken with a doctor to a big room with an MRI-scan in it. I got lifted up on a table and they put something around my leg so I couldn't move it. After that, they injected something into my vein so they would see the swelling and the weird mass better.

I sat the MRI out, it took half an hour before I got brought back to my mother. I rested my head on her shoulder again because I was actually exhausted and closed my eyes as we waited for the results. It was already evening by now and I wished to be sitting in my bed without this much pain.

We sat down together until a doctor came back and drove me to a room while my mother walked next to me, holding my hand.

I sat in front of the doctor, next to my mother and he smiled shortly.

'I want you to come back for a CT tomorrow and you can't go home tonight. I want you to sleep in the hospital for if anything will happen. Tomorrow we will plan the CT-scan and probably the PET scan too. After that we'll do a blood test.'

'What are the results?' I whispered as I looked away from him.

He was quiet for a little and then looked from my mother to me. 'The swelling in his bones is most likely a tumour,' he admitted.

'Do I have cancer?' I sniffed as I stared at him.

'We aren't completely sure, but everything is pointing to it now.'

That was it for me. I bursted out into tears and held my mother tightly as I texted Sapnap to tell him the news and that I wouldn't be at home tonight. A few months I was just happy and now my whole life was caving in.

1147 words

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