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-Throwing up/nausea

Clay's POV

Another week had passed and I was laying on my bed with George. We always had our chemos together and George always used to leave after it so I wouldn't panic. Though, I felt stable enough right now and I told him I wanted him to stay with me after our chemo this morning. Sapnap was here too today and sat in the back of the room on his phone while I talked to George.

I was on a lot of calming medication right now and the therapy went really well. Obviously, my phobia wasn't gone but I had so much less anxiety than I did without the medication and therapy.

⚠️ Nausea

I looked at George who swallowed and breathed out slowly. I saw he was sweating and lifted my hand to take off his beanie, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat away from his head.

I leaned in and sighed deeply as I knew he was about to throw up. I had seen videos, I had therapy, I was on medication, I could do this. George needed care and I was going to be here for him.

I grabbed the bucket from next to the bed and tried to stay calm. I had therapy, nothing happened while I watched those videos and this was just part of my therapy too. I needed to get rid of this phobia.

'Do I leave?' George asked while panting loudly. He was really nauseous and hung above the bucket. I shook my head.

'It's okay, I want to be here for you,' I replied, grabbing his hand. 'Don't focus on me.'

⚠️ Throwing up

He nodded slowly and turned away from me, leaning forwards as he threw up a second later. I took deep breaths and kept telling myself that it was okay.

Sapnap stood up and looked at George. 'Another time?' George nodded and kept sitting up.

⚠️ Over

Sapnap glanced at me and smiled. 'You're doing great, Clay. I'm proud of you for staying here and it's okay, I promise you.'

'I'm okay, it's fine,' I replied. 'The medication and the therapy worked. It's still difficult, but I can deal with it.'

'Oh, Clay. I had a present for you and George. Maybe I can give it now so you won't completely focus on George,' Sapnap exclaimed happily.

I nodded. 'Okay.'

He walked to his bag and then smiled as he handed me a hat. 'Look, I let someone make hats for you and this one is black with a smiley. Do you like it?'

I grabbed the hat and pulled off my current beanie, putting the hat on my head with a big smile. 'Thank you so much, I love it.'

'You look great,' Sapnap smiled.

⚠️ Throwing up (very short)

I didn't even notice George throwing up again and he laid down again after drinking some water.

'Not another time?' Sapnap asked George. George shook his head and lifted himself up to spit out his water.

⚠️ Over

He laid down again and I pulled him closer to me, letting his head rest on my chest. Sapnap walked off to clean the bucket and then came back to go to his back again.

'Look, I have a hat with a panda for you!' he yelled out of excitement, handing George the hat.

George smiled and put it on. 'I love it,' he whispered, closing his eyes as he sighed softly. 'I'm feeling so sick, are you okay, Clay?'

'Also feeling a bit sick and tired. This stronger medication is making me so sick,' I mumbled.

Sapnap sat down on a chair next to us. 'Can I do something to make you feel better?'

'Can we watch a video?' George whispered. He sounded completely exhausted and pulled his hat off again so he could lay down on my chest better. I softly rubbed his head and scooted down too so we both laid down.

After pulling off my hat too and cuddling up with George, Sapnap giggled.

'This is too cute, I need to take a picture,' he grinned as he grabbed his phone.

George rolled his eyes. 'So cute, two guys cuddling while feeling sick as hell,' he joked.

My face filled with a smile and I looked at George in my arms. I really loved being close to George, he understood how I was feeling and it made me very loved when he exactly knew what to do or how to cheer me up.

'You'd be a good couple,' Sapnap joked. 'That's a joke, don't sue me please. I know friends can just cuddle too because I hug George all the time.'

George rolled his eyes again. 'You're such an idiot. We just understand each other and I always feel loved when I hug someone. You know that, idiot!'

Sapnap was just grinning. 'I'm seeing a romance starting here,' he laughed as he stood up. 'I'll leave you two.'

We both knew he was just teasing us and I giggled softly as George let out a dramatic sigh.

'Stop,' he yelled with a giggle. 'I'm tired as hell, just let me watch a video, idiot.'

Sapnap laughed and then grabbed his laptop, searching up a video. He put the laptop down on our thighs and sat back to play on his phone.

George and I watched the video together but we got so tired after it that we both laid down in each other's arms. Sapnap turned the video off when he noticed we almost fell asleep and put his laptop away so we could lay down.

'Thank you for being here for me,' I whispered, looking from Sapnap to George. 'I'm so glad I'm not fighting this alone after my mother passed away because of this shit disease.'

'Of course not, we will fight together till the end, okay? We are beating cancer. In a year we are both cancer free. I promise you that,' George smiled. 'Your mother is looking at you and she's so incredibly proud, I promise you that she's smiling because of how hard you're fighting.'

I smiled too and we held each other tightly, falling asleep within minutes because of the absolute exhaustion.

1030 words

Clay is on strong calming medication and stays with George while he needs to throw up for the first time

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