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-Bullying (with cancer)

Clay's POV

The next week was my first day of school. I was really scared to go and had my beanie far over my head as I stepped inside, walking slowly. I was still really tired and felt pretty sick but I insisted on going for three hours today. If I couldn't handle it, I would go home earlier.

I sighed softly and walked in, sitting down on a bench with my knees pulled up. The sounds around me were really overwhelming and I closed my eyes after grabbing my earphones to put on some calming music.

I sat in silence as I suddenly saw a boy come up to me, grinning at me.

⚠️ Bullying (with cancer)

'Hey weirdo,' he laughed as he pulled my earphones out, throwing them on the ground. 'Imagine being this ugly and bald like you.'

I didn't answer and looked down at my hands with a sad face. I let it hurt me way more than I should let it, but I was already insecure about being bald which caused this to hurt a lot.

The boy came closer and then laughed loudly as he pulled off my beanie, throwing it onto the floor. He kicked it away after that and pushed me against the wall.

'You're actually so ugly. Why don't you just grow some hair? Are you not too busy dying to be here, dumbass?'

I tried to ignore him and lifted myself up to grab my beanie again, but he pushed me down on the ground and then put his foot on my beanie.

'Stop,' I whispered.

'Dumb cancer patient, just don't complain so much. You got the most treatable cancer, just go get some chemo instead of coming here,' he yelled at me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and wanted to push me as I saw him getting pulled back.

⚠️ Over

'HEY,' the person screamed. He pushed the boy in front of me away and I saw it was Bad, followed by Ant. 'Don't you dare EVER say that again!'

The boy didn't answer and rolled his eyes. 'Just leave this up to us.'

'No, you're making fun of someone who has a life threatening disease. He has been fighting for his life and was probably really excited to come back. If you don't shut up, I'll shut your mouth for you!' Ant screamed out as pushed the boy further away from me.

Bad grabbed my beanie and wiped some dirt and dust away from it, pulling it over my head again. I pouted and started sobbing softly as I hid my face behind my knees.

'Are you okay?' he asked as he grabbed my hand.

I didn't reply and sniffed softly while I felt a tear roll down my face.

'How are you, Clay?' Bad questioned again as he held his arm around my shoulder.

'I think I'm going home,' I sobbed as I wiped a tear away. 'I was just happy to go to school again, but now I'm so sad and insecure.'

'You're beautiful, Clay,' Bad smiled. 'I really like the panda beanie!'

I shrugged and looked at him. 'Can you keep a secret?'

He nodded. 'Of course.'

'It's the beanie from my best friend. He has cancer too and I gave him my beanie and he gave me his as a promise,' I told him with a soft smile.

'Aww, that's so sweet!' Bad exclaimed. 'How is he doing!'

'He has gone through a few very difficult surgeries and is recovering now.'

'Do you want to talk about it?'

'It's fine, I don't know if he would want me to. He had bone cancer so went through a really hard time. For as far as we know now, his cancer has been removed,' I explained.

'I'm so happy for him! he nodded. 'You deserve someone who understands you.'

I nodded slowly and smiled as I let my legs rest down on the bench. 'I'm trying very hard to fight against my phobia of throwing up,' I excitedly told him. 'I'm kind of proud of myself if I'm honest.'

'I'm proud of you too!' Bad exclaimed. 'You're so strong for getting this far.'

'Thank you,' I shyly smiled, looking at my hands. 'Do you think I can go to the first class?'

'Of course, do you want to sit next to me?'

'If you want,' I replied. 'I'm going to put in earphones, though. The sounds are too loud and overwhelming to me.'

'That's totally fine,' he nodded as he stood up.

I stood up too and we started walking to our first class. I walked really slowly since I was exhausted and ended up sitting down again before going into the classroom. Bad sat down too and glanced at me.

'Are you alright?'

'Just really tired. I have to sit down for a second so I can go into class after that.'

'Make sure to walk away from class when you can't handle it anymore.'

I nodded and then went into class, sitting down with earphones in. Everyone luckily left me alone this time and after one class I was already way too exhausted.

I ended up calling my dad that I wanted to go home since my brain didn't process any information anymore.

My dad picked me up and I was so tired that I started crying about everything that happened.

'It's so unfair, dad. I don't want to be this tired and sick. Someone bullied me for being bald and I feel very insecure,' I sniffed.

My dad grabbed my hand as he drove home with tears in his eyes. 'I know it's really unfair, but you're going to beat the cancer, okay? Tomorrow you can rest for a little and then we just try again another day.'

I sighed and wiped a tear away as we went home. I was so tired that I went to my room and called George to tell him about my day. He picked up and smiled.

'Hi! How are you?'

I sighed softly. 'Not so great.'

'What's wrong?' he concernedly asked me.

'Someone bullied me for having cancer and being bald and then I left after an hour because I feel sick and tired.'

'I'm so sorry, I wish I would be with you when they were mean to you. When are you visiting? I want to give you a tight hug.'

'I'm really tired right now, I'm sorry. I might come tonight and otherwise tomorrow since I'm actually exhausted.'

'No problem,' George smiled. 'I love you, come whenever you can and sleep for now. Rest as long as you need.'

'Thank you, I love you too. How are you?'

'I'm doing okay today. I'm still really tired, but the pain is a bit less. I got different medication and I even sat down in a wheelchair for a second!'

'I'm so proud,' I smiled. 'I might fall asleep, but you can tell me about your day.'

'No, it's fine. You need to sleep.'

'But I want to hear about your day. I miss being with you.'

'I'll tell you when you're with me,' he giggled.

I smiled and laid my phone down next to my bed. 'Can you talk to me so I can fall asleep?'

'Of course,' George answered as he started talking. I listened to him for minutes and then fell asleep.

1229 words

Some idiot, who we kill now, bullied Clay for being bald and having cancer

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