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-Only mentions

George's POV

A few weeks passed by and I got my prosthetic leg a week ago. I had been trying to walk a little and it went really well. I was allowed to go home, but today was firstly the day I was going to the zoo with Clay, his dad, his brother and Sapnap.

Clay's dad got two wheelchairs for us and Sapnap and he would both drive us around in the zoo. After that, I was allowed to go home and I would stay at Clay's place for a few days so we could actually spend time together.

I got used to my amputated leg now. It scared me a lot before and it still made me sad, but I accepted that this was the only way I would survive and beat my cancer.

My arm and lungs were pretty much recovered and I slowly started eating again too. I was pretty proud of my recovery progress.

I put on my prosthetic leg and slowly stood up to walk a tiny bit with help from Sapnap who was with me. He had his arm around my waist and slowly walked to the door.

I had gotten so weak that I was out of breath after that small bit of walking and Sapnap smiled as he opened the door. 'Look who is here.'

I looked up and smiled brightly as I saw Clay. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as soon as he walked closer to me. 'Hi! How are you?'

'I'm okay,' he smiled shortly.

He had a break from the chemo again, but it looked really positive for now. His cancer cells were going down by a lot and the doctors were really happy with the results. He wasn't done yet, but closer to the ending than the beginning.

Clay slowly lifted my beanie and kissed the short hairs on my head. 'Your hair is growing, you look beautiful.'

He rubbed the short hairs on my head. 'So handsome.'

I smiled, pulled him closer to kiss his head which caused him to smile. 'You're just as handsome then.'

We both smiled, hugged shortly and then both Sapnap and Clay helped me walk to the elevator so I could go to the ground floor. Once I arrived there, I went to the car that was parked in front of the hospital, sitting down in the back with Clay and Sapnap.

I cuddled up with Clay who had his eyes closed and grabbed my hand. Sapnap wrapped his arm around me too. We just cuddled for the rest of the ride and then stepped out when we arrived at the zoo.

Clay's dad went to the entrance to get wheelchairs for us and I sat down in the one Sapnap was pushing and Clay in the other that his dad was pushing.

We started driving through the zoo and paused at all the animals. Clay's brother was really enthusiastic and Clay was smiling a lot, but I saw him getting more tired with the second.

Clay's dad noticed it too and during lunch, we took a long break. Clay and I put our wheelchairs close next to each other while eating and I saw Clay's eyes constantly shut.

I didn't say anything about it and then he let his head fall down on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as he fell asleep.

We all took a break and Clay's dad shortly walked around with Clay's brother since he was here for his birthday. Clay slept for longer than an hour and woke up with a confused face.

'Where am I?' he mumbled.

'At the zoo,' I replied. 'You fell asleep.'

'I'm so sorry, did I ruin your day?' he whispered with a sad face.

'Not at all, I liked to be close to you.'

He smiled and sighed softly. 'I was so tired, I'm sorry.'

'No worries, Clay. We all understand that,' Sapnap added, softly rubbing his shoulder.

The rest of the day continued slowly, but definitely fun. I was really tired too now so Clay and I fell asleep together in the car.

When we got home, Clay helped me walk the stairs and we went to his room where I was happy to be able to pull my prosthetic leg off. Clay pulled his beanie off and laid down on his bed, pulling me closer.

'George? Are you really tired?'

'A little bit, but I have energy left,' I answered, smiling at him.

Clay wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest as he looked down at my leg. 'Does it hurt?'

I shook my head with a smile. 'I can feel it, but it doesn't hurt. I used to feel an itch while my leg wasn't even there anymore, but that has been getting less now.'

'I read about that you can still feel pain and such while your leg is gone. It's so strange to think of.'

I nodded. 'It's weird, but luckily it's less now.'

Clay smiled and sighed softly. 'George, I know I'm not done yet, but I wouldn't have made it this far without you,' he suddenly whispered. 'I actually wanted to give up immediately when I heard it. But then Sapnap and you came to visit me and you understood everything I went through.'

'I couldn't have done it without you two either,' I answered him. 'Sapnap was my greatest support the first time, but I really needed you to be there too since I didn't know how to deal with it the second time. You saved me just as much as I apparently saved you.'

'I'm really tired, but I'm so happy we are friends,' Clay whispered. 'I must admit that I've never had friends before you and Sapnap came in my life. My mother passed away and I isolated myself a lot. Everyone just found me strange or found me weird.'

'I don't find you weird at all and I know exactly how you feel. I never had friends before Sapnap either and my "girlfriend" broke up with me because I had cancer. I love you for being here.'

'I love you too, you and Sap are the best friends ever,' he answered.

1045 words

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