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-Only talk about throwing up (short)

George's POV

'You have cancer too?' Clay whispered as he looked up with tears in his eyes.

I nodded slowly. 'I'm the friend Sapnap talked about online. I have bone cancer and it came back, I heard it a week ago. I had chemo this morning and I'm really tired.'

'I'm so sorry,' he mumbled. 'I shouldn't have assumed. George, can you help me? I'm so scared, I don't want chemo anymore.'

I pulled him closer to me and smiled shortly. 'I'm feeling very sick, but I'll ask my doctor if I'm allowed to go to your room during the chemo.'

'Do you uh- have to throw up?' he asked with a scared tone of voice.

'Not anymore,' I replied, smiling at him. 'Let me quickly ask my doctor, okay? I have the same button as you that calls a doctor.'

'Can I come with him?' Clay wondered as he looked at his nurse. She nodded and I struggled to walk to my room.

Clay noticed and wrapped his arm around my waist. 'You have cancer in your leg, right?'

I nodded. 'My knee, but it's spreading through my whole leg.'

I sighed since I felt a bit sad and walked to my room, clicking my button. A doctor walked in a few minutes later and smiled.

'What's up?' he asked as he sat down on my bed. I was exhausted and sat down too with a soft sigh.

'Clay is really scared during his chemos and I wanted to ask if I can be with him,' I explained, looking at my doctor.

'You can, but you do need to rest a little since I can see you're really tired.'

'I wish I would just have a bed in his room since he's the only one who really gets me and I like it when I'm not alone,' I sighed as I smiled at Clay. 'We barely know each other, but I feel emotionally really attached to you.'

'Me too,' Clay smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 'You understand me.'

We just looked at each other for a while, smiling brightly as he had a small smile fill his face too. My hand was about to go up to his hair to run through it and make him feel loved even though his hair was falling out as someone giggled.

I looked away from Clay to see my doctor grin and then he turned back to having a straight face.

'I can discuss something with the nurses since we've all heard how terrified Clay is during the chemo. If you both want to you can be together during your chemos,' he confirmed, smiling at us again.

I looked back at Clay and grabbed his hand. 'Would that be nice for you?'

⚠️ Talk about throwing up

He nodded slowly and had a blush on his face. 'Thank you,' he whispered. 'But uh- do you throw up after chemo?'

'I do, because I don't get as much medication as you do. If you want me to leave, I'll go to my room and come back when I feel better,' I admitted.

'I'm so sorry for being so mean,' he sobbed. 'It scares me so much. I want to be with you, but I'm terrified. I really want therapy for it.'

His nurse decided to add in and smiled. 'Clay, we can start with calming medication and then exposure therapy by watching videos. If that goes well, we can maybe ask George to stay after his chemo and that will be scary at first, but you'll have medication. We can slowly start giving you less medication and see how you're doing without it,' she explained.

Clay nodded. 'Even though I'm scared to death to get exposure therapy, I really want to get rid of this fear.'

⚠️ Over

'If you go to your room for chemo with George, you can sleep after that and then we can start therapy,' she offered.

Clay nodded and sighed softly. 'I guess I'll go back for the chemo. I'm sorry for screaming and pulling out the IV. I hope you don't hate me now.'

'Of course we don't hate you,' she answered.

I stood up slowly and held Clay's hand as we walked back to his room. I was really tired and sat down on his bed, having him sit in front of me with his back against my chest. I had one leg on each side of his body and rested my head on his shoulder.

They inserted an IV in his hand again and then attached his chemo medication to it. She started the chemo and Clay immediately tensed up as I grabbed his hand.

⚠️ Talk about throwing up

'It's okay, I promise you. It will be fine, they are going to give you medication for the nausea and I'm here if you do end up throwing up. Even though it's really scary, chemo is going to save you and throwing up is not going to make you die.'

⚠️ Over

He nodded slowly and started sobbing softly as he looked at his IV. I felt so bad for him that he had to go through this too and tried not to cry while pulling him as close as I could.

'Would you like me to run my hand through your hair or does that make you sad?' I asked.

'I would feel loved,' he whispered. 'But my hair will fall out a lot.'

'Clay, that's no problem with me. I've been bald before and my hair is starting to fall out again. I would never judge you for that,' I smiled as I started running my hand through his hair.

'I'm going to get you a hat,' Clay whispered, curling himself up to roll to his side. He rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes while I ran my hand through his hair.

'Do I shave it?' he mumbled.

'Only if you want to,' I answered, putting the loose hairs away in the bucket next to his bed.

'I want to, but I like my hair,' he whimpered. He was clearly really tired and I had the courage to kiss his head.

'Try to sleep, okay? You can think about this when you feel a bit better.'

'Okay,' he whispered, grabbing my bear to hold it. I closed my eyes too and grabbed my bag to grab my panda.

I ended up falling asleep five minutes after Clay did.

1079 words

A/N: I think people during chemo can't just move to each other's room, but I added this for the story :)

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