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-Short mentions nausea/throwing up
-Mentions chemotherapy
-Cancer diagnosis

George's POV

I sat in the hospital the day after my scan. They had the results already and asked me to come here which caused me to feel really bad about this.

My mother sat next to me and Sapnap was currently at Clay's room since he had chemotherapy right now. I would go to him shortly after my results and then either go home or to a room in the hospital again.

The doctor looked up and was quiet for a little, then sighing softly. 'After all the scans, we found out that your cancer is back. It seems even more aggressive than last time and you'll immediately start chemotherapy tomorrow. I'm really sorry.'

'What does that mean? "More aggressive",' I asked with tears in my eyes. Even though I saw it coming, it still shocked me.

'It grows faster and spreads quickly too. You need immediate chemo tomorrow so it will not spread any further and maybe shrink a bit. Then we'll remove the tumour with surgery if we can,' he explained as he looked at me.

I scooted closer to my mother and felt a tear roll down my face as I looked her in the eyes. 'I don't want to go through this again.'

'Me, your dad, Sapnap and your sister will be here every day,' my mother comforted me, kissing my forehead as she pulled me against her body.

I looked back at the doctor. 'What happens if you can't remove it with surgery?'

He sighed softly and tapped the table. 'I'm sorry to say, but there's a chance your leg needs to be amputated.'

I pouted out of sadness and my cheeks were filled with tears as I hugged my mother tightly. 'I need to be with Sapnap,' I whispered. 'Can I go to Sapnap? He's with Clay, another boy with cancer.'

'You can go shorty and then you'll need to go to your room. Also, wear a mask,' he answered, handing me a mask.

I nodded and put it on as I stood up and slowly started walking to Clay's room while tears streamed down my cheeks to my shirt. I didn't want to tell Clay I had cancer yet, I was too afraid after my ex broke up with me. I knew he had cancer too, but I still didn't want to. Not yet.

⚠️ Short mentions nausea

I walked to his room and knocked on the door. Someone opened it and I walked in on Clay crying loudly while hanging above a bucket.

'They told me I wouldn't throw up,' he yelled as he sniffed loudly after that.

'You're not going to throw up. You're only nauseous, you got good medicine for it and it will work soon,' his dad comforted him, not realising I came in.

⚠️ Over

Sapnap did notice and he noticed that I cried, grabbing my hand to take me outside of the room. After closing the door and making me sit down on a bench, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

'Was it not good?' he whispered as he held me tightly.

'N-no,' I sniffed. 'It's back, Sap. The cancer is back and it's more aggressive than last time. I need chemo again tomorrow.'

Sapnap pressed a kiss on my hair and held my hand. 'I'm here for you, okay? Maybe you can talk to Clay and be together with him while you have to go through chemo.'

'But he will be scared when I throw up,' I whispered. 'I don't want chemo again.'

'Clay's doctor told Clay that they are going to give him medication for anxiety combined with therapy if he's not too sick. He told me that his mother had cancer and threw up next to him which caused a trauma. I think he's going to give therapy a chance since he really wants to get rid of his intense fear.'

I smiled. 'That's good,' I nodded. 'I feel bad for him. I know how terrible chemo is and I don't even have such a bad phobia as he does. Ugh, he's so young.'

'He is,' Sapnap sighed. 'But you'll be able to understand each other.'

'What if you help me a bit,' I smiled as I looked at him.

'With what?' he questioned.

'I mean, I just don't know how to tell him that I have cancer too,' I whispered.

'Oh, I see,' he smiled. 'Fine, I'll be your assistant. I'll try to get him to spill the tea or I'll force him to tell me his opinion.'

I smiled and sighed. 'Thanks for making me laugh when everything seems so dark.'

'I'm going to be here as much as I can, whatever happens.'

'Sapnap?' I whispered. 'The doctor said I might need my leg to get amputated.'

Sapnap was quiet for a little while and then smiled at me. 'Then I'll save all my money for a prosthetic leg so you can still keep walking and living your life like a teen can.'

'You're the best,' I sighed. 'I feel like Clay doesn't have many friends if I'm honest. I really want to be there for him, but I'll have to go to my room soon.'

'Can we go to him for a few seconds? Just to say hi.'

I nodded and we walked inside again, seeing Clay lay down on his bed. He looked way calmer than he did before and his dad smiled at us.

'Hi! He got medication for the nausea and doesn't feel nauseous now as you can see. He's really tired and feels sick from the chemo, though,' his dad explained to us.

Clay slowly looked up. 'George,' he whispered. 'Hello.'

'Hi,' I smiled as I walked closer to him, running my hand through his hair. 'You should sleep for a little. Chemo is exhausting.'

He didn't question what I said and nodded, curling himself up like a ball. He closed his eyes and I smiled as I grabbed my bag. Since I went to the hospital today, I took my panda and some other stuffed animals.

I grabbed a small bear and gave it to Clay. He looked at it and smiled shortly, holding it tightly against his chest as he closed his eyes again.

I found him really sweet and grabbed his hand while he started falling asleep.

'You're so strong,' I whispered. 'I'll fight this battle with you, okay?'

He didn't reply since he fell asleep and I smiled at his dad, walking off to go to my room.

1086 words

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