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I forgot to post I'm so sorry

-Throwing up (talk about it)
(All throwing up warnings/talk about nausea and such are skippable!)

George's POV

The next day, we started with my first chemotherapy. My father was with me since only one person could stay here and he sat next to me as he held my hand. My mother didn't want to be here for my first chemo since she knew she would cry and didn't want to upset me even more.

I looked at the IV in my hand and the bags hanging down from the IV pole next to me as I saw the chemo medication flow through my IV into my veins.

'Dad, I don't want this,' I whispered as I held my panda tightly and tried to get my dad to hug me. He scooted closer to me and ran his hand through my hair.

'It's going to be okay, I promise you,' he smiled as he massaged my neck.

'Do I lose my hair?'

'Maybe, but then I'll let you buy the best hat you can find, okay?' he comforted me, holding me tightly. 'I love you, George. Keep remembering that. I'm going to tell my boss that I'm going to be here with you a lot. Then on the days mum is here I'll work and the other way around.'

I smiled sadly and nodded as I looked back at the IV. 'I wish I wasn't sick. I want to go to school.'

'You're going to start school next year again, okay? Maybe when you feel okay you can do a bit of homework in the hospital,' my dad answered.

⚠️ Talk about nausea

I sighed softly and waited for the chemo to stop. My dad stayed with me the whole time and when the chemo was over, I sighed softly since I felt really nauseous and tapped my dad's hand as I swallowed.

'Dad, I'm really nauseous,' I whispered as my whole face flushed red and sweat filled my body.

'I'm getting you a bucket, honey.' My dad stood up and ran off, coming back with a bucket to hold it under my face. 'Stay calm, you're going to be okay.'

I nodded slowly and felt so sweaty that I had sweat dripping down my face. Everything was hurting, I was really tired and the nausea was terrible.

⚠️ Throwing up

It didn't take very long anymore before I felt my food come up and I leaned forwards as I threw up. My dad was holding his hand on my back as I breathed quickly and spit out the bile in my mouth.

'Do you need to throw up more, sweetheart?'

I nodded and grasped onto the bucket, holding it against my chest. I got so extremely hot that I pulled my shirt off which was wet from all the sweat and my dad softly rubbed my sweat-soaked back.

'It's okay, honey. It's going to be okay,' he comforted. 'I love you, stay calm.'

I felt myself calming down a little bit, but kept staring at the bucket in front of me.

'Do you want me to clean it or do you need to throw up, sweetheart?' my dad asked as he ran his hand through my hair.

I couldn't answer since I threw up another time and nodded slowly as I pushed the bucket away. 'I'm okay,' I whispered as I laid down.

⚠️ Over (brief mentions about it only)

My dad gave me a water bottle so I could flush away the taste in my mouth and spit it out in the bucket. Then he stood up to clean it as I laid down, curled up like a ball.

~ Weeks Later ~

Weeks passed like this. I had chemo for ten weeks, just to get surgery right after that. The tumour in my knee shrunk and it seemed like the cancer didn't spread further than my leg.

I looked at Sapnap who came here today before I got driven to the surgery room. He smiled and grabbed his bag.

'Look, I was in the city yesterday with my dad and I saw this cool hat for you. Since I know you like hats, I bought it for you,' he smiled, handing me it.

'Thank you,' I answered shyly, pulling my current beanie off to replace it with his hat. It fitted perfectly and I smiled. 'I love it.'

In those ten weeks, I lost all my hair. I had been losing a lot of weight since I threw up a lot, but luckily I wasn't too weak for the surgery today. Next to me sleeping a lot, being really tired and generally just not feeling too great because of the cancer, I was actually really fit.

I walked around the hospital with crutches one time and another time I shortly went outside in a wheelchair with Sapnap. We had a lot of fun and it made me happy that they all supported me a lot during this awful battle.

After the surgery I was going to have today, I would have more chemo sessions to make sure every cancer cell would be gone in my leg.

I looked up at Sapnap who sat down next to me in my bed, grabbing his phone.

'Look, your favourite YouTuber posted a video. Do you want to watch it together?' he offered.

I nodded. 'I would love to.'

'Are you tired?' Sapnap asked.

I nodded again and he took off my hat, letting me rest my head on his chest as he ran his hand over my head. 'Just lay like this.'

'Thanks for being such an amazing friend,' I smiled as I looked up at him.

'I need to spoil my best friend a bit now he's sick,' Sapnap answered, smiling back.

'Am I too heavy when I lay down like this?'

'You're as light as a feather,' he giggled as he turned the video on.

We watched the video together and just finished it on time before a nurse came in to take me to the surgery room. My parents, sister and Sapnap all came to me to wish me good luck and then I got driven away for hopefully a life saving surgery.

If everything would work out, I wouldn't have a tumour in my knee anymore. Then I would have chemo and after that I would be able to say that I was cancer free. I couldn't wait for that moment to come and I did everything the nurses told me to do.

I got a mask on my face and within seconds I fell into a deep sleep.

1083 words

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