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-Mentions amputation/surgery
-Mentions chemotherapy

George's POV

I hadn't done anything else than sleeping the last few days since I was on really strong medication. I couldn't move my arm well after the surgery but I had been trying to rehabilitate as much as I could when I was awake for a few minutes.

I didn't see my own leg yet. I knew I would panic a lot if I saw I didn't have half of it anymore and since it was still healing and covered in bandages, I wanted to wait for a bit.

I was told that recovery was going to take a long time, but I was incredibly happy when they told me I didn't need chemo again. It was most likely for the cancer not to come back now I had an amputation.

I sighed softly as I opened my eyes. It was lunch time, but I was still getting fed through my tube. The tubes and such would be disconnected once I was stable enough.

I looked at Clay who was sitting next to me for his chemo again. He didn't take calming medication this time because he really wanted to fight his phobia and looked at me as he took a deep breath, sitting up.

'Are you okay?' I whispered as I reached out one hand. He couldn't grab it since he was just a bit too far but he smiled.

'I'm okay, I'm as good as I can be after chemo,' he answered, turning to the side of his bed. He slowly stood up with his IV pole in his hands and grabbed a chair close to me.

'Lay down,' I mumbled. 'You're tired.'

'I want to be with you,' he smiled shortly. He leaned in to hug me and grabbed my hand. 'How are you?'

I sighed softly. 'Still pain and very tired.'

'Your body is working very hard to heal itself. I'm sure you'll feel a bit better in just a few days,' Clay comforted me.

'I hope you feel better.'

He shrugged. 'Don't worry about me,' he answered. 'I might go back to school after this cycle of chemo. Unless I feel too tired like last time, then I'll wait for just a bit longer. My immune system is too weak right now.'

'Stay safe, please,' I begged as he pulled him close to me. 'Hug?'

'I'm so afraid to hurt you,' Clay admitted as he carefully laid next to me in bed. 'I just had chemo too, so I have to be careful that I don't spread it.'

I nodded understanding since chemo medication was really unhealthy and I didn't need it anymore.

'Clay,' I whispered with a soft smile. 'My hair is going to grow back. Last time I had cancer it took half a year to a year for it to fully grow back, but I'm already happy with that.'

'I'm so excited for you,' Clay cheered, holding me tightly. 'You look great already though.'

I smiled and lifted myself up. I pulled his beanie off and then kissed his head. 'You're beautiful. Your hair will grow back too.'

'Do you actually think I'm beautiful?' he asked insecurely.

I nodded and gave him another kiss on his head, rubbing the place his eyebrows used to be and even his arms and pulled up legs since we both lost every single hair on our bodies.

Clay smiled. 'I want to kiss your head too to make you feel loved but I'm too afraid because I just had chemo and I'm not allowed to kiss anyone.'

'It's fine,' I answered. 'I just want to make you feel loved right now because you're so strong.'

I laughed shyly, holding him tighter. 'I hope this tube goes out soon because it's irritating me.'

I sighed since I rested my head on Clay's chest but the tube was constantly in the way. Clay understood and stood up, laying down on the other side. 'Better?'

'Thank you,' I whispered as I laid my head down again.

'I think I might sleep for a little if that's okay,' Clay mumbled. 'I feel very sick after the chemo.'

'I will sleep too,' I smiled as he closed his eyes.

We both fell asleep for hours.

~ A Few Days Later ~

It was a few days later and I was finally able to get rid of all the machines and tubes around me. It was the first time in days to weeks that I was sitting up and I had the courage to look for the first time while the doctor was removing my bandage.

Clay had his last chemo session yesterday and had a biopsy today to see how his cancer was doing. He sat behind me while the doctor smiled at me.

'Are you ready for me to pull the sheets away?' he asked.

I shook my head and looked at Clay with a sad face. He smiled shortly. 'It's okay, Georgie. It might be scary for the first time, but remember that this saved your life.'

I nodded slowly, looking back as I nodded my head. 'You can.'

The doctor smiled and pulled the sheets away, causing my leg to get revealed. A shock went through my body as I saw my foot backwards, serving as a knee now and then turned to Clay with tears in my eyes.

'I'm scared. Do you not want to be my friend anymore now?'

'George, you're still gorgeous and I'm so glad they were able to do this so you can walk more easily. It's scary now, but it will get easier. I still want to be your friend, you look perfect,' he confirmed, kissing my head softly. 'And friendship isn't about looks, alright? I love you the way you are.'

I looked back and squeezed his hand as the doctor took off the bandages. He observed my wound and smiled. 'Looks good,' he nodded. 'No infections, it's healing really well.'

I looked away again and he bandaged it, taking care of my arm and chest after that since I also had a lung and arm surgery. Those wounds healed really well too and after everything was bandaged again, I laid with Clay who kissed my head.

'I love you,' he smiled. 'I'm so happy that all the surgeries succeeded. You're so beautiful and I love you forever no matter how you look. You and Sap are my best friends.'

I smiled shyly. 'I love you too.'

1075 words

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