25 (The End)

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-Mentions everything that happened

Clay's POV

I was really excited as I almost ran into the hospital with George. Today was my last chemo for the rest of my life and George was going to be with me during all of it. I was so happy that the chemo was finally going to be over after this, I despised it and I wanted it to stop.

I sat on my bed, never more excited for the chemo to start. George sat behind me with his arms around my waist. I turned around and kissed the still short, but growing hairs on his head and then turned back around to the nurse who was attaching me to the machines.

I looked at George again. 'Do you want to pull your prosthetic leg off? You don't have to walk for a while.'

George nodded and took it off, holding me tightly while the medication went into my body through my IV. Even though I knew I would feel sick for a while, I was so excited for this chemo to be over. I was going to be living a normal life without chemo.

'I'm so happy,' I giggled as I turned back to George, resting my head on his chest.

'I'm really happy for you too. You've done so great.'

I squeezed my hands and held him tightly since I was so happy. I waited for the chemo to be over and then laid with George while I felt sick for a while. He gave me some water and kissed my head while holding me tightly.


A few hours later, I slowly started feeling better, but since I was tired I first slept for a while.

The next day, I had my last biopsy to see if the cancer was actually gone. I was even excited for a biopsy now, even though it always hurt a lot. I didn't even care in the slightest, I wanted to be gone here.

I had the biopsy and waited for my doctor to come in the next day. He walked in with a bright smile and playfully tapped my hat.

'Clay, I don't think I want to see you here ever again,' he started with a big smile. 'We haven't found any cancer cells anymore.'

I screeched and held George really tightly. I saw he had tears in his eyes.

'Are you not happy?' I sadly asked.

'I'm so happy that it's making me emotional. It was really hard to see you go through chemo while I was just at home and I'm so happy that you're done with that now,' he sniffed.

I hugged him and then jumped out of bed. 'Thank you, doctor. Thank you for saving me,' I whispered as I looked at him.

He smiled, grabbed my hat and put it on my head with a smile. 'No need to thank me.'

'Can I give you a hug?' I asked as I walked a bit closer to him.

He nodded and gave me a tight hug after that. 'Now, Clay. I want to never see you in this hospital again, okay? Go recover at home, go to school, be together with your best friends. Live your life.'

I nodded and started walking away with George to go home.

~ One Year Later ~

I sat on my bed with George, looking through some old photos from the hospital to see how far we came. I went from a very thin, scared and sick boy to a healthy, muscular and happy boy and George went from extremely sick to really healthy.

After I had cancer, I wanted to get my stamina back. I started going to the gym and exercised three times a week while I used to have therapy on some other days. My therapy stopped now since I was doing really well.

My phobia wasn't fully gone, or at least, my fear wasn't fully gone. I obviously didn't like throwing up and I didn't like watching someone throw up, but I didn't panic as much as I did before. I didn't avoid situations just so I wouldn't get sick or constantly wash my hands to make sure I didn't have any bad germs on me. I felt free again.

My recovery took long, longer than expected. You weren't just recovered from chemo and cancer after a week, for me it took six months to get my energy back.

However, after chemo, I started appreciating really small things. I had never loved my hair more than I ever had before and now I had hair again, I really didn't want to lose it anymore, just like George didn't.

George was doing good too. He fully learnt how to walk and do anything he wanted with his prosthetic leg. He even started football with other people who got a leg amputated and he did amazing. I was with him during each match he had.

We were still friends with Bad, Ant and Sapnap. Sapnap had done so much for us and he still did. He would be here in a second if I needed him and I really appreciated him, which I told him really often too.

Bad and And made my time at school greater than it had ever been. They sat with me, helped me with exercises and caused me to have fun. Since George and I had to redo our years, I went to George's school for my last year so I wouldn't be alone.

We both passed and now had a gap year to just focus on the last phase of our recovery, because obviously it didn't just leave physical scars, but also mental ones which we both recovered from slowly.

I looked back at the photo album and smiled as I pointed to a picture where I didn't have hair, had an IV in my hand and was really pale and thin.

'That makes me realise my progress,' I smiled. 'I think I look really healthy now.'

'You do,' George answered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

'I love it when you hug me,' I smiled. 'I can't stop saying that.'

'I love it when you hug me too, so that works,' George giggled.

We both laughed shortly and then laid down in each other's arms.

'George, I just want you to know that I will fight with you and will love you till the end. No one who's taking you away from me. We and Sapnap will be together till the end of times.'

'I agree,' George whispered.

1086 words

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