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George's POV

The next day I had my last few scans and a blood test. They sent it to the lab as an emergency so all the results would be here very quickly.

I didn't sleep at all last night. If not from the pain, then because I didn't want to be in this stupid hospital. I wanted to be safe at home like I was yesterday.

I didn't have anything to do all day except talking to my parents, sister and Sapnap while I waited for the results to come back. Since I couldn't walk, I just laid in bed while I often cried softly because of the misery I was going through right now. I really didn't want to have cancer, but no one wished for that.


A few days later, all the results came in and the doctor came into my room with a sad look in his eyes. He sighed softly, put on his glasses and looked down at a paper in his hands.

'George, are you waiting for someone to get here?' he asked if he saw my parents sitting next to my bed. Sapnap and my sister had school right now so they couldn't be here with me.

I shook my head and he nodded slowly, grabbing a chair to sit on as he looked at me.

'We are almost a hundred percent sure you have bone cancer. To be completely certain, we are going to take a biopsy of the abnormal area in your leg. We are planning that as fast as possible, just like the surgery for your broken bone.'

I stared at him and he smiled shortly, looking back down at his papers. 'I'm sorry to share this news. Luckily, we can treat it really well and the chances you'll get better are really high.'

No one talked anymore for hours. I cried a lot, just like my parents, my sister and even Sapnap, who came here after school, cried a few times. I was still in shock that my life changed this badly within just a few days and I didn't even realise it yet. I didn't process the fact that I most likely had cancer.

Before I knew it, I had been in the hospital for days. I had the biopsy and the surgery for my broken bone today and silently waited before I got taken to the surgery room.


I slowly woke up and looked around, feeling an abnormal amount of pain in my leg. I was confused and so tired that I started sobbing softly.

A doctor immediately walked up to me and smiled as he knelt down next to my bed. 'What's wrong, George?'

'P-pain,' I whispered as I continued sobbing. I sniffed with my nose and the doctor nodded.

'I'll give you extra medication. The surgery went well, but you might be in pain for a while. You'll get a lot of medication and then when the results are back, we'll start your treatment.'

I was too tired to listen to what he said and closed my eyes.

'I'm going to bring you to your room so you can sleep for a little, okay?'

I just nodded slowly and fell back asleep.


I woke back up hours later and sighed softly as I lifted myself up, still feeling an awful pain in my leg. I looked to my left and noticed Sapnap and my dad sitting next to my bed.

'Hi, how are you feeling?' Sapnap asked as he scooted closer. He reached out for my hand and I sighed softly.

'I'm tired and my leg hurts a lot,' I answered in a soft tone of voice.

'You haven't eaten all day so I bought something for you. Do you feel like eating right now?' Sapnap offered.

I nodded. 'Not much, but I'm really hungry.'

'Look.' He turned a box around with a cake which had a text on it, saying: "I'm proud of you, Gogy."

I smiled. 'That's so sweet, thank you.'

'Do you want a piece of it? If not, I'll ask a doctor to put it somewhere cool,' he questioned

'I'd like a small piece,' I answered, tapping his shoulder with a smile then looking at my father. 'Thanks. Where's mum actually?'

'She went home to pick up your sister and get some stuff you need as it seems like you're going to stay here for a while,' my father answered.

'Is she bringing my stuffed panda?' I asked.

'She probably will,' my dad nodded.

Sapnap smiled. 'Aww, you have a stuffed animal?'

I giggled shyly and nodded. 'My panda is my friend. He has been there for me when my brother passed away and it's just nice to have something I can always cuddle with.'

'That's cool,' Sapnap sighed. 'I wish I had a stuffed animal.'

I shrugged. 'Why don't you have one?'

'My dad threw them all out, I was so upset. I'll just buy a new one someday,' he explained.

I nodded and grabbed the paper plate he handed me a piece of cake on. I started to eat it slowly while I tried not to cry because of the overwhelming pain in my leg.

Sapnap noticed I had a lot of pain and then tapped my button that called a nurse.

'Why'd you do that?' I asked confusedly.

'Because I can see that you have a lot of pain. I think they can easily give you medication,' he said, smiling shortly.

I smiled back and waited for someone to come in. A nurse walked in a while later and added more medication through my IV, leaving me with my dad and Sapnap again.

It was the next day when the same doctor walked in with an even sadder face than he had before. My parents and sister were here since she got a day off from school for my results of the biopsy and we waited nervously as we looked at the doctor who read through some papers again.

'And?' I begged for him to start talking. 'What is it? What are the results?'

He sighed softly and looked up at me, putting his glasses away. 'George, I'm really sorry, but you have osteosarcoma which is bone cancer. You'll have to stay in the hospital for a long time while we start chemotherapy tomorrow. A nurse will come later to explain everything that's going to happen. We will take good care of you.'

All the emotions I had hidden the last few days came out now and within seconds, I bursted out into the most tears I ever had. I actually didn't want to, I wanted to be happy but my whole life got ruined within just a week.

1122 words

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