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-Non detailed mentions throwing up
-Ableism, I think (being mean to someone for having a disease)

George's POV

I was crying as I sat alone on my bed, terrified after this afternoon. I didn't notice it myself, but I did experience pain in my leg and I was more tired than I used to be.

I lifted my sweats and started tapping my leg, feeling if there was any swelling in it. I didn't feel much so far, but was still so scared that I sniffed softly.

I grabbed my phone, looking up my girlfriend's number. She didn't even know I had cancer before, but I was going to tell her now. She had to know that I had cancer one day, definitely if it would come back.

I sighed, clicked her number and started calling her with nerves rushing through my body. She accepted the call.

'Hi, Georgie! What's up?'

'I need to tell you something,' I whispered nervously. 'I'm sorry for not telling you earlier.'

'What's wrong?' she asked again, having her voice change to a more demanding voice.

'I'm so scared,' I mumbled, sniffing softly as I felt my eyes fill up with tears.

'What for?'

'I uh-,' I started. 'I had bone cancer two years ago and beat it, but I'm starting to feel symptoms again and I'm so scared that it's coming back. I had chemo back then and I really don't want it again. I don't want to be so sick and lose my hair.'

'Cancer?' she asked with a harsh voice.

'Uh y-yeah,' I muttered anxiously.

⚠️ Ableism? (Being mean to someone with cancer)
Short mentions throwing up

'What the hell? No, I'm not doing that. I'm not going to be with someone who is in the hospital all the time,' she scoffed.


'You'll be even more annoying than you already were. I'm not even going to like you anymore when you cut your hair,' she yelled.

'I- I can't help it if I lose my hair. Do you not like my personality?' I whispered.

'Do you think I'm going to like a bald guy who is in the hospital all the time, probably throwing up. Throwing up is actually disgusting, don't expect me to help you, idiot,' she scolded.

'I'm sorry. I can't help it and I also don't know if I actually have cancer again.'

'I don't care, I'm breaking up with you,' she harshly added onto her last sentence and then hung up.

⚠️ Over (only mentions/talk about throwing up, but not detailed)

I stared in front of me, not realising what he just said and then started crying loudly as I automatically searched Sapnap's number. He immediately took the call.

'What's up?'

I hitched a breath and sniffed loudly as I wiped my tears away with the cuffs of my hoodie.

'Oh no, what's wrong? I can ask my dad if I can come over if you like me to come.'

'P-please,' I cried out loud, hitting a breath again.

'I'll ask in a second, but I'd like you to talk about your feelings first.'

'She broke up with me,' I whispered. 'I told her that I had cancer in the past and that I was really scared to get it again, but she got mad at me and called me really mean things.'

'What did she say?'

'That she doesn't want me if I'm bald and that I'm even more annoying then. That I'm disgusting if I throw up,' I repeated what she told me.

'That's so rude, what the hell. George, you're beautiful with and without hair. If you actually have cancer again, I'll be with you as most as I possibly can and always help you when you need to throw up,' he promised.

'But maybe you find me disgusting and ugly too,' I sniffed.

'Hey, don't say that again. I've been with you as most as I could last time you had cancer and I've never found you anything close to disgusting. You know I cleaned all your buckets, you know I sat with you whenever you threw up. I'm not disgusted by you.'

I sobbed softly. 'Sap, I actually don't want cancer again.'

'Do you want to tell your mother together? Otherwise I can try to feel your leg to see if I feel anything weird, okay?' Sapnap offered.

'Okay,' I whispered. 'Thank you.'

I hung up and laid back down in my bed, waiting for Sapnap to arrive at my place. Around fifteen minutes later, my door opened and Sapnap walked in, sitting down next to me.

He pulled me closer to him and let me cry while hugging me tightly. After a while he let go of me and pushed the sheets away, lifting my sweats up to my thighs.

'Tell me if I hurt you,' he demanded as he started to gently push my shin first. 'Any pain?'

'Not really,' I answered as he kept pushing my bone softly, going up more to my knee.

I didn't feel anything until he came to the place where my last tumour was. I winced and pulled my leg away as I sat up. Sapnap frowned.

'Has that always been painful?'

I shrugged. 'I don't remember.'

'Can I very softly touch it again to see if there's any swelling?' he asked.

I nodded and Sapnap's hand went down to my knee again, not putting pressure on my skin as he lightly ran his finger over it.

'It does feel a bit warm,' he admitted. 'Maybe a very small swelling, but I honestly don't feel anything. I'd still like you to tell your mother though. I don't want it to go too far. If it might be cancer, please be as fast with it as possible.'

'Okay,' I whispered, laying back down as I sighed softly so I wouldn't cry. 'I don't want cancer again, Sap. I actually don't want to go through that again.'

'Let's get it checked out as soon as possible so that if it's cancer, it doesn't grow as big as it was last time,' he answered, pulling me closer again. 'I can see that you're really tired. You can just go to sleep if you want to. I'll be here with you.'

'Thank you, Sap. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I know I have trouble expressing that, but I really care about you. I'm not in love with you or whatever, but uh- I guess I really love you as my friends. Thank you for being here.'

'I love you too, George. Till the end.'

1084 words

George's girlfriend breaks up with him because he had cancer in the past

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