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-Throwing up (talk about nausea)

George's POV

~ A Few Weeks Later ~

The surgery went really well. They managed to remove the biggest part of the cancer in my leg and luckily the rest would go away with the last phase of the chemotherapy.

I had been rehabilitating a lot since I couldn't walk anymore after my surgery and my broken bone. Walking went better now, but it would take a while before I could actually walk normally again.

I went into the last phase of chemotherapy a few weeks ago, but unfortunately had been very sick. I got used to it at this point and Sapnap was sitting next to my bed while I got chemo. He smiled and grabbed my laptop.

'Do you want to watch some YouTube?' he asked to cheer me up.

I nodded slowly, looking up at him.

'Are you okay?' he wondered as he smiled at me.

'I'm just really tired from all the chemo and I feel really sore,' I sighed.

'Come, let's watch something together,' Sapnap stated as he laid down next to me on my bed so we could put the laptop on both our laps.

⚠️ Mentions nausea

We started watching YouTube as I lifted the laptop up and put it away. Sapnap got the hint and stood up to grab a bucket as he sat down next to me with his hand on my back, slowly rubbing over it.

'It's okay, George. It's going to be alright,' he comforted me with a calming voice.

I started sweating and took deep breaths as I hung above the bucket. Sapnap noticed I was sweating a lot and took off my beanie so it wouldn't start itching on my head.

'It's going to be okay,' he repeated, gently rubbing my head since he knew I felt loved when someone made me feel like it was okay that I had no hair.

⚠️ (Very short) throwing up

I ended up throwing up twice and then laid back down. Sapnap gave me some water and then cleaned the bucket for me.

'Need to throw up more?' he asked, which I answered by shaking my head. 'Do you want your beanie?'

⚠️ Over

I shook my head again and he smiled. 'I'm comfortable,' I whispered as he gently rubbed the skin on my head. 'Am I still beautiful?'

'Of course you are.'

'My leg is really thin now and I can't walk very well. Is that bad?' I insecurely asked.

'You're fighting cancer, George. If anyone thinks any of this is bad then I'll beat the shit out of them. You're so strong for battling this awful disease,' Sapnap exclaimed.

⚠️ Talk about nausea

I smiled shortly. 'I'm really tired and nauseous again.'

'Do you want the bucket?' Sapnap questioned, lifting me up a little.

⚠️ Over

I pouted out of sadness and wrapped my arms around his waist as I sobbed softly. 'I want to sleep. I don't want to feel so sick. I want my hair back.'

'Your hair is going to grow back soon once you finish the chemo.'

'When will it finally stop?' I cried as I rested my head on his chest.

'Just three more weeks,' he answered, holding me tightly.

⚠️ Throwing up

'I need to throw up, but I don't want to lift myself up because I know I'll throw up if I do.'

'Let's just quickly sit up so it's over sooner, okay? Otherwise you'll feel nauseous for hours.'

I sighed softly and nodded as I lifted myself up, throwing up within a few seconds. Sapnap cleaned the bucket again and I laid back down, smiling as he came back.

⚠️ Over

'I feel a bit better now,' I whispered.

He smiled and laid back down next to me, pulling me closer again. 'You can sleep if you want.'

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes, falling asleep twenty minutes later.

~ A Few Weeks Later ~

Weeks passed and suddenly it was my last day in the hospital. Yesterday I had my last scan to see if my cancer was gone and my parents, sister and Sapnap were waiting with me in my room.

After a long time of waiting, the doctor finally came in and smiled at us, laying his papers down as he walked closer to me.

I squeezed my hands to fists and grabbed my crutches to stand up and walk closer to him. 'And? What were the results?'

'You'll need to come back monthly to yearly for checkups for the upcoming years, but for now we are safe to say you're cancer free.'

I let out a scream and turned around, falling into my mother's arms. My father, sister and hugged me too as I began to cry loudly.

'Do I never need chemo again?' I yelled out.

'As long as your scans keep looking like this, you'll never need chemo again,' the doctor stated.

I screamed again from happiness and tried to wipe my tears away even though they kept coming.

'I'm cancer free!' I yelled as I went to my bed to sit down since I was still pretty weak after my treatment. Everyone sat around my bed except my mother who started to pack my bags since I would be able to leave this evening.


I slept the rest of the day because I was so tired and Sapnap left to go home when it got a little bit later.

I got helped to go to the car when I could leave the hospital and sat down in the back next to my mother. She had her arm wrapped around my shoulders as I closed my eyes since I was really tired after this day.

My dad stopped the car when we got home and I smiled brightly as I saw my house again. My dad helped me get out of the car and I walked inside with my crutches.

'I'm so happy to be here again to recover slowly in my safe surroundings,' I whispered as I laid down on the couch.

'Honey, I'll bring you to bed,' my dad said before I laid down.

I nodded and didn't argue against it as I held my panda. My dad lifted me up and carried me upstairs, laying me down on my bed.

I was so tired that I just pulled the sheets over me and closed my eyes, having my dad pull off my beanie and shoes. I grabbed my panda and curled up, falling asleep as soon as I relaxed my muscles and turned off the lights.

1085 words

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