Chapter 1

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(For new readers, you need to read the first book first)
(This is the second book 🥰)


"Yes Mommy!"


A little girl immediately running towards tzuyu, and handing a little bag towards her with a wide bunny smile and sparkling eyes. She seem really in excited.

"Excited huh? You want to see auntie that much?" Tzuyu ask and fixing that little girl's hair with a tint smile. Yes, it's none other that her daughter with jungkook. She already 3 years old and they will going back to Korea today, to meet the girls after three years.

After what happened before this, tzuyu decided to going back to her parents house which is at taiwan. She really taking care of her pregnancy and don't want to repeat the same mistake which make she lose her child again.

"let's go!" Tzuyu stood up and walking towards the door with Jung-ah. Yes that little girl name is 'jung-ah' .Only a simple name but bringing one important information.


Her appearance maybe the same as tzuyu, but not when it cones to her teeth. It's freaking jungkook's teeth. A little bunny teeth. And... her attitude, genius and behaviour is 100% just like Jungkook! Their naughtiness, way of talking, way of eating... ah.. same as jungkook! It's remind tzuyu to jungkook very much when looking at her.

"Oh my beautiful grandchild already want to going back huh? Don't be naughty okay? always Calling grandma and grandpa here okay!" Tzuyu's mom said makes jung-ah quickly nodding.

"Of course Grandma, grandpa! I will!" Jung-ah giving a little wink makes tzuyu's parents chuckled and patting her head.

"Take care of her tzuyu-ah."

"Don't worry."

Tzuyu smile and giving a hug to her parents and so do jung-ah, hugging her grandparents.

"Let's go." Tzuyu grab jung-ah's hand and they walking out from the house and get inside a taxi to going to the airport. They will going back to Korea only for meeting the girls and...

Tzuyu freaking worried if she will bump onto jungkook. He obviously didn't know about Jung-ah.

And she thought he already married.

Is he married?

with that girl?

Whatever and however she did to make her own body, mind and heart forget jungkook, she didn't success. She keep thinking, remembering of how his touch make her shivered and flustered... and remembering everything about him. It's still fresh inside her mind. Even though it's already fucking 3 years.

She sometimes getting upset,keep zoning out and even crying alone when thinking about him. She really really miss him but ...

he might already become another girl's husband.

he might already have his own family


he might didn't care, didn't remember and even didn't thinking about her at all.


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