Chapter 26

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Jungkook wake up in the morning, and the first view he saw is her face, who still sleeping peacefully. He can't help but to smiling and caressing her cheek gently.

"Baby wake up.." He whispered slowly makes she whining a little before holding his hand that caress her cheek. She slowly open her eyes and give a tint smile makes he raise his eyebrows with a tint smirk plastered on his lips.

"in a Good mood hm?"

"Hmm because i have you now." She hugging him, shoving her face on his chest as he already smiling widely while storking her hair.

"Im sorry about everything. I—-" He started to explain everything for A to Z. Yes, they start the morning with talking about everything happened before this and cuddling each other. Tzuyu immeditely feeling guilty and really in disbelief that he willing to wait and search for her that long. She look up to his face and pouting a little.

"Im sorry. Why you didn't tell me earlier!!!" She furrowed her eyebrows and look at him in slightly mad. He smiling and giving a quick peck on her lips.

"It's okay. Right now.. You already knew everything right? So... You will stay with me after this? With jung-ah too."


"Then... should we get married as soon as possible?!" He ask while raising his eyebrows before the two of them chuckled together.

Suddenly some of the boys and some of the girls including jung-ah coming to the house. They get inside the house and didn't see any figure of this two makes jin chuckled a little and shooking his head. They all seem to know what jin's means.

They went to the living room, doing their own activities while jin and nayeon walking to the kitchen.

"Jungkook might having a good time again last night. He's freaking moaning when im calling him." Jin said and shooking his head again. Nayeon raising her eyebrows and could feel her cheeks flushing in embarrassed.

"Aish... Horny as hell." Nayeon mumbled.

Jin of course could hear this as he walking closer to nayeon, lean his back at the kitchen counter and staring onto her face.

"When is our turn too?" He ask with a tint smirk, purposely to tease her. Nayeon eyes widened and quickly look at him with her playful mad face. He could see her cheeks already reddened.

"You! Behave when talking!"

Jin chuckled and giving a wink before walk away from the kitchen. Nayeon touch her chest, feeling her heart beating crazily because of this.

Jungkook and tzuyu really didn't realize that they were at the downstairs. He keep give her a peck while cuddling each other.

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!!!!! COME DOWN!!! WE ARE HERE!!!" Jin shout from downstairs makes tzuyu's eyes widened and so do jungkook.

"Fuck.. Always disturbing." Jungkook mumbled makes she chuckled and quickly running away to doing her morning routine. They might having a greatttt day ahead!

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