Chapter 22

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Two days had passed, jungkook already recover from his fever fully and today, he went to the girls house again. But guess what?

Tzuyu and jung-ah is not there.

Yugyeom was the one that took them and they going out together. Yeah.. tzuyu always keep in touch with yugyeom but they already declare themselves only as a best friend. Nothing more. In addiction, Yugyeom already having a fiance!

Jungkook went to the mall, just like what dahyun said to him which is they must be there. He search around the mall until his eyes meeting her laughing and talking with yugyeom and jung-ah in yugyeom's arms. He tilting his head a little in mad and quickly walking towards them. Yugyeom raising his eyebrows when seeing jungkook while tzuyu stopping from laughing.

He grabbing jung-ah from yugyeom before he glaring to him.

"Oh Mr.Jeon. Long time no see." Yugyeom bow a little and smiling too but jungkook? Didn't even smile and just wearing his cold and mad face.

"Yes and i don't even want to see you." He said makes yugyeom raising his eyebrows more!


Jungkook then look at tzuyu, giving a deep glare too.

"I already tell you—"

"Yugyeom let's go." She said and walking away before yugyeom nodding to jungkook a little to show his attitude before walking following tzuyu. He grinding his teeth in annoyed and really in mad. His breath get quicker and his eyes already welled up with anger tears.

"Daddy.... Aish..." Jung-ah mumbled and sighing makes jungkook look at her and raising his eyebrows.


"Let's just follow mommy." He said and immediately follow the two from behind. He could see every action of her and each of it makes he jealous. Why she can't laughing and smiling like that towards him too?!

Ahhh freaking frustrated.

They just spending their time like that for a day while Jungkook spending his time with monitoring this hurt scene with his own eyes. Tzuyu and Yugyeom even eating and sharing their foods??!!!

Wtf is that??!!!


Jungkook cursed inside his mind but he really can't do anything. But... After this, he will do something. To her.

A punishment or a advice?

We will see.

And of course for tzuyu, she can't lose her ego. She want her ego to win. That's make this more complicated. Her ego that make she being a hard to get girl even though her heart telling something else.

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