Chapter 10

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Jungkook went to the girls house, yes they still live at the same house like before. He hiding behind the wall, don't want the girls see him. He sneaking, looking at the gate before a car coming and park in front of the gate. It's nayeon's driver.

He saw jung-ah get out from the car and run into the house makes his lips immediately smiling. The driver was about to get inside the car again but jungkook quickly running towards him, dragging him behind the wall too.

He grip the driver's neck tightly make the driver hitting his hand and catching for the air

"Tell me where is jung-ah's school." Jungkook said coldly. The driver shooking his head, don't want to tell since the girls already told him don't tell anything about them to the outsiders.

"i-i don't want to tell!"

"Freaking tell me. Or else, I will use my power to put you in a jail." Jungkook threat again makes the driver gulping and quickly nodding. Jungkook smiling and loosened the grip at his neck and then fixing the driver's shirt back.

"Tell me buddy." He tap the driver's shoulder with a tint smile.

"At p-peter Private school." The driver gulping and feeling really stupid for telling this to him.

"Good guy! Thankyou and don't ever tell them that you told me about this. If i know you tell them, you know what i will do~" Jungkook give a wink and walk away from there, feeling really really really happy.


The next day, jung-ah went to school again just like usual and this time jungkook went there only to pick her up. Jung-ah waiting with a little pout since everyone already going back, leaving her alone. She feels really sad and jealous too since everyone going back with their parents but she?

Just a driver.

Jungkook walking with a tint smile and raising his eyebrows a little when seeing she was waiting in front of the school's gate alone.

"Jung-ah!" He call for her as she immediately look to the side, seeing it was the man who she meet at the night market before. Jeon jungkook.

"Uncle!!" She shout full with happiness. Her eyes sparkling and slightly widened and her lips never faded from smiling. She run towards him as he immediately kneeling, hugging her before lift her up.

"I miss uncle very much." She said and still hugging him. Jungkook can't help but to giggled before they broke the hug and look at each other face.

"I miss you too. Where is your mom?" He ask while slightly raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know... but..i always going back with our driver." She pouting a little makes jungkook smiling and stroking her hair.

"It's okay.. Right now, let's buy some drinks. Want?"

"Want want!"

"Okay.." Jungkook put her down again and holding her hand before they walk to the small food vendors that selling some drinks beside the school. He buy a drinks for her and for him too before someone shouting from behind.


Jungkook and jung-ah immediately turning their body in unison as jungkook's hand that holding jung-ah's hand slowly loosened, his eyes slightly widened but at the same time withered, his heart thumping crazily but also hurting at the same time....

because of what he see in front of him right now.

Chou Tzuyu. A girl that always staying inside his heart.

Tzuyu really in shocked as her eyes widened too, her heart beating hardly and she gulping when seeing him. He never change. His appearance, style, looks and everything about him is the same. Still good looking and great on her eyes.

"Mommy!" Jung-ah quickly running towards her as tzuyu just lifting her up and hugging her.

"What did you do there?!" Tzuyu ask.

"I just.. with that uncle. That night i was with him too!" Jung-ah pointing her fingers to jungkook. Tzuyu look at him and gulping when their eyes meeting with each other.

They feeling the same right now.

really want to run and hugging each other tightly. But something blocking them . The truth.

"Let's go." Tzuyu turn her body and want to walk away but jungkook quickly running to her, blocking her way, standing still in front of her.

He gulping and so do her.

"S-she is my daughter?" He suddenly ask makes jung-ah also look at him. Tzuyu can't lying and can't do anything anymore.

She rolling her eyes and look at him with her bored face.

"No. I'm married. Sorry but i need to go." She still lying.

His eyes more widened in shocked, his heart fall apart because of the words 'married'

"Are you serious?!" He ask in upset and also mad. He glancing to jung-ah as jung-ah seem to know what happened. She seem to know that jungkook is actually her dad. Jung-ah slightly shooking her head makes jungkook smiling and look at tzuyu's face again.

"You're lying don't you? Jung-ah, come here. With daddy." He said with the most wide smile and grin before tried to took jung-ah from tzuyu's arms but no, Tzuyu avoid and don't let him to take her.

"I don't have time with a stupid jerk like you. Got to go." She walk away, passing him while jung-ah still look at him with a smile. He smiling too, waving his hand happily. Even though he can't hug or kiss tzuyu right now but at least, he know that jung-ah is his daughter and tzuyu still didn't married. It's already make he freaking happy!

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