Chapter 28

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Finally, today is the day where jungkook, tzuyu and jung-ah staying at in the same house. A day which he already dreaming for a long time - staying together like this. They went out for buying groceries together and starting their life as a family. He really really happy of this. Nothing could fill and replace this happiness.

Jungkook park the car at the parking lot when they arrived at the mall. He fix his hair a little before getting out from the car and taking jung-ah from the back seat too. Tzuyu get out from the car too. He hold jung-ah hand and walking to her.

"Let's go." He said to her and giving his arm to her makes she smiling a little and quickly grabbing his arm, holding it before they walking together inside. It such a perfect and complete family! A good looking guy with a good looking and pretty woman and having a cute daughter too!

They buying some groceries, spending a day there and enjoying themselves fully! Tzuyu can't help but to being really happy and really grateful. She also dream of this for a long time ago. Being together with him.

When they were walking, a girl suddenly caught this as she quickly running towards them.

"Jungkook!" She shout makes tzuyu, jungkook and also jung-ah stop from walking. He look at that girl and raising his eyebrows when seeing it was a girl who claimed he making her pregnant three years ago. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows and keep her straight face, slightly glaring to her.

"What?" He ask as that girl glancing to tzuyu, giving a tint smile.

"I just want to say hi. It's already a long tine we didn't see each other right." She said makes tzuyu rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. He glancing to tzuyu and smirking a little before look at that girl again.

"Yeah.. Erm.. We need to go. Take care." He said makes tzuyu more in annoyed. He grab tzuyu's hand and dragging her to the car while she was mocking what he said to that girl just now.

"Take care." She make a mocking, annoyed faces which makes jungkook chuckled a little. They get inside the car including jung-ah.

"Here. Your candy." He handing the candy for jung-ah before jung-ah quickly take it while celebrating in happiness.


Jungkook then look at tzuyu again, seeing she just look at to the front with her arms still crossing and her lips pouting. He facing her and staring onto her for a while.

"Darling.. I told you—"

"Who's darling??!!!"

"I mean baby.."

"Are you cheating on me ?!" She look at him and glaring deeply. Jung-ah who at the back seat just look at this fight. Jungkook gulping and shooking his head.

"No. It's you! You're my darling.."

"No!!! You never call me darling!" She squinting her eyes to him and actually purposely doing this to tease him.He sigh deeply and rubbing his nape, didn't know what to do anymore.

"Just go! Drive!" She still want to continue this. He look at her for a second before sighing and start driving. She tried hard to not laughing looking at his face when he at this situation. Funny as hell!

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