Chapter 18

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Jungkook smirking a little when she running to the kitchen as he also walking to the kitchen, seeing she was in a rush and doing the coffee with her clumsiness. He chuckled a little and walk closer to her as she could feel he was behind her. It's make her heart thumping loudly and can't help but to keep glancing and gulping.

He come closer to her, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist makes she flinched a little and closing her eyes in order to control her nervousness.

"I freaking miss you..." He whispered with his husky and slow voices makes she gulping amd feeling goosebump all over her body. He bend his head, placing some peck all over the side of her neck rapidly! It's make her breath hitched and can't help but to totally froze on her spot.

He sniffing, smelling and pecking her neck, really enjoying what he miss the most. Her scent... ahh it's so good to smell this for him.

"You still smell the same hm.." He mumbled and keep brushing his nose at her neck makes her hand gripping the kitchen counter. She's freaking nervous. She suddenly turn around and push him slightly makes he stepping backwards a little.

She biting her lower lips, slowly look up to his face.

"P-please don't do that. We're nothing."

He raising his eyebrows and walking closer to her again, grabbing her waist tightly.

"No. You're mine and i'm yours. I never have anyone. There is no one could replace you." He said and staring deeply into her eyes. She gulping but still want to resist. She pushing his chest but his grip around her waist getting tighter, don't want to let her go.

"Jeon jungkook! I don't like this!" She said with her mad face but... inside her heart is telling something else. He smirking a little, bending his head and quickly giving a kiss on her neck again makes she gripping his shirt.


"Tell me. Tell me that you don't like this." He mumbled between the kiss as she already holding the pleasure by biting her lower lips and gripping his shirt tightly.

His wet kiss on her skin really could make she feel lost. He sucking, biting and making his marks again after for a long time didn't did this with her. His lips trail up to her jaw before landing onto her lips as he become greedier! Yeah of course right! For freaking three years he didn't kiss her! Of course they will become really really miss of this!

"Oh god..... i freaking miss you..." He mumbled and biting her lower lips, swirl his tongue, kissing her deeply. She slowly to lost and closing her eyes, can't help but to respond onto his kiss. She slowly lift her arms and wrapping it around his neck. He pulling her more closer and so do her. They fight for dominance and battling in the kiss.

He still kissing her and really don't want to broke thr kiss at all. Really really miss of this. Tzuyu at the same time come to her sense again, her mind remembering again of what happened before makes she quickly push him hardly making he stepping backwards. She breathing heavily and looking down while jungkook still look at her with his upset eyes.

"I-im sorry. We should not doing this. Yes, i allow you to meet jung-ah but please don't bother me." She said and gulping before quickly running away from him. He sigh deeply, rubbing his nape and licking his lips a little.

'Let see.... I will do anything to get you again'

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