Chapter 17

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After working, jungkook immediately droving to the girls house as he keep thinking of jung-ah. He looks like he really love her and can't be separate with his daughter for too long. He knocking the door, and gulping a little in nervous since he thinking that one of her unnies might open the door. What he thought is true....

Jeongyeon was the one that open the door.

He clear his throat and was about to talk but.. Nayeon walking and staring onto him for a while. Nayeon is the most girl he afraid when it comes to tzuyu's unnies.

"N-noona..." He said slowly and gulping but what he saw next is really make he shock. NAYEON IS FREAKING SMILING TO HIM!

He raise his eyebrows before nayeon tapping jungkook's shoulder.

"Get in. I already know everything about you. Thanks to jin. Right now, explaining everything to tzuyu by yourself. We wont help." Nayeon said while raising her eyebrows.

"Understand noona!" He nodded his head aggressively and giving a wide smile. He get inside the house as jeongyeon closed the door before the three of them walking to the living room. Jungkook slowly take a sit and look around, makes nayeon know what he searching for.

"Jung-ah!!!!" Nayeon shout.

"Yes auntie!!!" Jung-ah answer from the upstairs.

"Daddy is here!!"

Jung-ah and tzuyu who inside their room eyes widened especially tzuyu. Jung-ah quickly running to the downstairs while tzuyu still froze and in hesitate to go there or not.

"Chou tzuyuuu!!! You come here too!!" Nayeon shout again makes she gulping and slapping her own forehead.

"Aishh.." She sigh and stomping her feet a little before stood up, walking to the downstairs. Jungkook who talking with jung-ah suddenly look at her direction and giving a tint smirk. She rolled her eyes and walk towards nayeon and jeongyeon, take a sit beside them.

"We will go to the upstairs first. You need to do some works right jeongyeon-ah?" Nayeon suddenly said and grabbing jeongyeon's hand.

"Hm? Ah.. Yes! I have to do something with nayeon unnie! Bye!!" Jeongyeon stood up and they immediately running to the upstairs while tzuyu glaring to them and make a annoyed face.



"Did mommy treat you nicely when daddy was not with you, jung-ah?" Jungkook suddenly ask with a tint smile and keep glancing to tzuyu. Jung-ah pouting and wearing her sulky face.

"Mommy always scolded me when i'm asking for something..."

"Jung-ahh??!!!" Tzuyu suddenly scolded her again.Jungkook look up and giving his cold face and shooking his head a little before look at his daughter again.

"Okay.. so tell daddy what do you want? I will buy everything start from today."

"Mr.Jeon Jungkook. You can't. You can't spoiled my daughter like that. It's not good." Tzuyu said and staring onto him with her mad and annoyed face. Jungkook look at her too while raising his eyebrows a little.

"Your daughter is my daughter too. It's okay.. I will buy everything hm?" He convince her and give a tint smile. Tzuyu squinting her eyes a little before look away. In her heart, she really can't believe jungkook being like this. Really reliable and responsible?

"You will be a good daughter right? Even though i spoiled you?!" Jungkook ask jung-ah as she quickly nodded her head.

"Of course!"

Jungkook glancing to tzuyu before leaning his lips to jung-ah's ear.

"Then can you please go to aunties at the upstairs for a while? I want to talk with mommy." He whispered really slowly makes tzuyu squinting her eyes in curious. Jung-ah nodding and giving a grin before quickly get off from jungkook's lap and running away from them makes tzuyu eyes widened.

"Where are you going huh?!"

"Just let her baby.." He raising his eyebrows with a tint smirk and keep staring onto her makes she gulping out of sudden. She look away and quickly stood up from the couch.

"E-errrr... emmm.... I-i will make a drinks! y-yeah drink." She stuttering and purposely making an excuse to run away from this awkward, tense and nervous situation. She don't want to be with him like this.... after 3 years....


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