Chapter 23

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"Going back with me!" Jungkook said sternly when they was at the parking lot. It's already 8:00 PM and Jung-ah was sleeping in his arms. Tzuyu rolling her eyes and want to take Jung-ah from him but he yank her hand away quiet hardly makes she shock of this action from him.

"I fucking said going back with me." He said more sternly while glaring to her makes she gulping in afraid out of sudden. She glancing to Yugyeom and nodding a little as Yugyeom giving a thumbs up before walking away. Jungkook quickly open the backseat door and put down Jung-ah slowly before he get inside the car.

Tzuyu sighing again before slowly get inside the car. He didn't start the car but he fix his seat and facing her. He glaring deeply!

"What the fuck chou tzuyu?! being that close to that guy?! You didn't mind if a guy being that close to you?!" He ask as she look at him and giving a blank bored face.

"Yes. I didn't mind and I didn't care." She said blankly makes he furrowed his eyebrows in mad.

"Even this close?!" He lean to her more closer.


"This?!" He grab her shoulder make she facing him and he lean more closer.

"Yes. I didn't care."

He sigh and grabbing her nape, pulling her more closer to him makes their nose and lips brushed a little. Her eyes widened and feeling like her heart already bursting because of this shock sudden actions. She gulping while he staring onto her lips for a while with a tint smirk before look up to her eyes.

"If like this?" He whispered makes a shiver down to her spine. She gulping more and can't even more. Too nervous and wanting this. They staring each other for a while before Jungkook slowly planting a soft peck on her lips. Only a peck. Not kiss.

"I'm sorry for kissing you without your permission. Hmm this might be a last kiss? I never kiss you again if you don't want." He whispered and giving a tint smile before pulling his head back. She gulping and immediately look away too, while her finger touching her lips.

He started drove away while she keep thinking of what he said just now.

'last kiss? Hmm I want your kiss....can you keep persuade and convince me to come back with you?' She thought and pouting a little. Yes, she want him to keep being like before. Wanting her and keep trying to make she fall over him again.


When he said things like that just now...

She don't like it! but.. didn't this is what she want?

'Please.... Please keep persuade me jungkook-ah'

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