Chapter 8

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At night, Jungkook receive a call from namjoon. And of course it's none other than because of jung-ah.

"Kook come here. Faster. Taehyung's house."

He didn't talk much, he quickly get out from his house and driving away in really excited to know the result. After for a while, he finally arrived at taehyung's house and of course, all of his Hyungs were there. He run to get inside the house, barged the door makes his hyung slightly shocked.

Some of them already smiling, some of them smirking and also raising their eyebrows!

"How is it hyungs?! How?!" He eagerly ask and taking a sit with his legs keep moving in nervous of the result.

"Look at this by yourself" Namjoon said and throwing the paper on the table before Jungkook immediately take it, and reading it.

Name: Chou Jung-ah

Mom: Chou tzuyu

Age: 3 years old.

His eyes widened, he froze and slowly look up to his hyungs faces. He gulping and could feel his eyes getting teary because of the happiness.

The boys smirking and nodding a little makes he can't help but to smiling and keep looking onto the paper. He really in disbelief right now.

"So she is my daughter hyung?" He ask as jin smirking a little and giving a wink.

"Start your game and get her back. About that little girl... i don't know? Maybe it's your daughter! but.. if tzuyu already married, it's obviously not your daughter."

"Fuck hyungs ah no way. No no she can't married. No way!" He become frustrated, and more overthinking about it right now.


" anything you wanna do. We will support you. And... i wanna get my dahyunie too." Jimin said and pouting a little makes the others chuckled except jungkook. He really overthinking now. What if she really married with someone else?


"Ah whatever it is. I want her.Im going back first!" He stood up and immediately walking away, exit the house and drove his car away. He keep thinking of this.

If jung-ah really his daughter...

he will be freaking happiest man in the world. Swear!

"You better not married with someone else tzuyu or else.. i will fucking kill him. i swear." He mumbled and gripping the car steering tightly. He really hoping she's not.


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