Chapter 14

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Its already 8:00 PM as jungkook just drove the car and the situation really in silent and awkward. Jung-ah already sleeping at the backseat. Jungkook keep glancing to tzuyu while she just look out through the window. He purposely clear his throat but she still didn't talk, or look at him. He sigh deeply as she could hear his deep sigh.  After for a while, they finally arrived in front of her house as tzuyu immediately want to go out from the car but he grab her hand. She gulping and really in nervous but still want to wearing her cold face. She look at him and glaring deeply with her eyebrows furrowed, showing that she really in mad.

"What?!" She ask sternly.

"I want to talk with you."

"Bu i dont want." She said and yank his hand away, wanted to open the car's door but jungkook was quick enough to lock the door. She look at his face in annoyed. Really in annoyed.

"Jeon jungkook. Open the door now!" She slightly shout as jungkook quickly glancing to the backseat, seeing jung-ah still sleeping peacefully.

"Shhhh jung-ah will woke up." He whispered. He staring onto her for a while but tzuyu already rolling her eyes.

He gulping a little before grabbing her hand, pulling her closer makes their faces really close to each other. Her eyes widened, her heart beating and alive again because of him and what worse is... she keep staring into his eyes. She being spelled again again and again whenever she being with him.

Jungkook staring onto her lips for a while before look up into her eyes.

"I miss you baby... I really miss you. So so so much." He whispered with his eyes getting withered and looks really sincere. She gulping and could feel her body getting trembling in nervous and could feel the shiver inside her body. She miss him too but she can't.

" But i don't miss you." She gather her courage to tell this lie. She yank his hand away and glaring deeply into his face.

"Open the door. Im tired."

He sigh and keep staring onto her with his eyes already welled up with tears. If he blinking, the tears obviously will rolled down onto his cheeks! Yes, she could see this.

His hand slowly tap the unlock button and she immediately getting out from the car. He also quickly get out from the car too.

"I will carried jung-ah. Don't wake her up." He said coldly and open the backseat door. He lift jung-ah up, carried her to the house as tzuyu just allow him doing this.

She knock the door before the door swung open revealing Sana and jihyo who eyes widened seeing tzuyu was with jungkook. They immediately giving a way for jungkook to get inside.

"I will tell you guys later." Tzuyu whispered to the two and follow jungkook inside the house.

"Where is her room?" He ask.

"Here. Follow me." Tzuyu said and walking to the upstairs, towards her room. Of course jung-ah sleeping with her. They get inside her room and jungkook placing jung-ah slowly before staring onto his lovely daughter. He caress her cheeks a little with a tint smile plastered on his lips.

He then stood up straightly then staring onto tzuyu. She look away while he walking closer to her, grabbing her waist before pulling her closer to his body. She tried to loosened his arms around her waist but no, he's too strong to defeat. Her heart really feel like want to burst, she feel really fluttered and nervous too.

He lean his head closer to her ear and whispering something. Something that make she feel weak.

"Baby i love you. Good night."

He bend his head, planting a soft peck on her neck makes a shiver down to her spine. His soft wet lips... actually she freaking miss this. He pull his head back and giving a tint smile before walking away, exit the room leaving her alone. He actually really want to kiss her more but he can't YET. Because of her. She might shock and don't like it or she might thinking that he used her again. So.. yeah, he will start this game slowly. A game to get her.

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