Chapter 21

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Tzuyu was feeding him while jung-ah was at the downstairs with nayeon and jin. Jungkook can't help but too stay staring onto her face even though she wear her annoyed and cold face. She just feed him without looking into his eyes but actually she already nervous. She know he was staring onto her like this.

"You're really pretty tzuyu-ah." He suddenly said makes she froze from feeding him and her eyes slowly look onto his face. His baby face but also can being a hot, handsome, cold and sexy face really can make she being spelled. No wonder why girls always want him. He's perfect. She gulping and heart thumping crazily but still staring onto him. He's the same too, staring onto her with a tint smile.


"TZUYU-AH!!!" Nayeon suddenly barge into the room and froze when seeing this tense situation. But... she also slapping herself in her own mind because she know that jungkook must be want to explain everything just now.


Jungkook sigh and tilting his head a little before look at nayeon, giving a deep glare. He grinding his teeth while nayeon just grinning to him. Tzuyu quickly stood up and walking towards nayeon in slightly feeling embarrassed.

"W-what is it unnie?"

"E-errr..." Nayeon glancing to jungkook and grinning again.

"Jin oppa and i already cook something. Go downstairs if you want to eat"

"JUST BECAUSE OF THAT???!!" Jungkook ask in annoyed.

Nayeon grinning again and nodding her head slowly.

"Aish..." He slightly punch the bed in annoyed. Nayeon holding her chuckled and look at tzuyu again, giving a wink before running away from them. Tzuyu biting her lower lips and glancing to jungkook again.

"I-i will go downstairs!"

"I want to go too!" He look at her and giving a puppy eyes. She sighing and rolling her eyes slightly before walking closer to him, giving her hand. He smiling and holding her hand before stood up slowly. She wrapping her arm around his waist makes he feeling fluttered out of sudden. His lips didn't fade from smiling. He smirking a little and sneaking his hand around her waist too before they walking to the downstairs.

Tzuyu help him to take a seat before she take a sit beside him. Not because she want to seat beside him! But because there is no seat anymore other than that. Jung-ah was eating at the center seat.

"Is it good hm?" Jungkook ask jung-ah who was eating the oreo pudding. She nodded her head before grinning to him makes the other can't help but smiling too.

"Daddy.. Your house is really big!"

"Of course! So... You need to persuade mommy to stay here with me. Alright?" He ask straightforward in front of all of them makes tzuyu eyes widened. Jung-ah already nodding aggressively while jungkook smirking a little, averted his eyes towards tzuyu. She sighing and make a disgusting face while jin and nayeon already chuckled.

"Oh i got a call from yugyeom. He ask about you." Nayeon said to tzuyu makes jungkook's face quickly switching and furrowed his eyebrows, staring deeply to tzuyu.

"Really? Let me call him again." She want to stood up but being block by jungkook. He look at her in annoyed.

"Don't tell me that you freaking keep in touch with him until now?!" He ask sternly while tzuyu just smirking a little and raising her eyebrows.

"Yes. And why? He's getting more good looking right unnie?" She purposely said that and look at nayeon. Jungkook look at nayeon too makes nayeon look at their face in turn before gulping and slowly nodding her head.

"Aish.." Jungkook grinding his teeth in annoyed.

Tzuyu shrugged her shoulder and stood up from her chair, walking away to calling yugyeom. Jungkook really in bad mood out of sudden. Yes.. He's jealous.


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