Harley x Reader - Angel

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Ever since you got to this prison, you prayed that it wouldn't fall on you to guard a certain white-haired girl. In fact, no one wanted to do it, but it was your job. You repeated the words in your head as you slowly walked through the halls of Belle Reve. Your facial expression was intact as befitted a guard of such an establishment, but your head was full of chaotic thoughts. How in the world did you let yourself get caught up in this? You should never let yourself be framed for debt. Right after you get home, you are going to learn how to be assertive.

- Good evening," the guard greeted you as he opened the door to the large room. You never liked being here. This place was more "open " and visible to everyone else (which was necessary in her case, but still gave you more discomfort than with, for example, Floyd's chamber)

A shiver ran along your spine as the steel door closed behind you with a bang, leaving you and the woman (plus the cameras and guards standing on the upper floor) alone. Standing at a safe distance, you watched as the former doctor, laughing, played on her makeshift sash made from a sheet. You may not admit it out loud, but you admired her. After all she's been through, she still has that childishness and nonchalant approach to life. Everything around her is collapsing and she hangs around it on the white material and arranges her body into different shapes. She looks like an angel

- Do you like what you see? -

The angel who could kill you

- I'm your new guard. - You ignored her question, coming closer until you were a meter from the bars.

- I think the previous one was afraid of me, well nice to meet you my new toy! - she said laughing enthusiastically and stepping down from the sash

- You are in prison, how can you be so confident? - You asked after a moment of silence being really curious. Quinn grabbed the bars and pressed her face against them

- Because, I know I'll get out of here, and then we can have some serious fun - her crazy eyes looked at you with an innocence that shouldn't be in her body

This girl will be your undoing

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