last kiss

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First and last Harley & Deadshot kiss

When they first kissed, it was after one of the harder missions
They both could have died and not stood where they stood then and yet they did.
Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe some other feeling flowing through the girl's body, but she felt the need to give Floyd a little kiss
The man was in shock and euphoria after the mission accomplished
He didn't know how to react to it
He didn't even have time to return the kiss when the smiling girl moved away to pick up her jacket from the ground and put it on again
Everything seemed as if nothing had happened between them
As if hundreds of unspoken words hadn't broken after that one little kiss.

The last time they kissed, there was no more time to think if everything had been said
It didn't matter in the face of how the ground beneath them was painted a dark red color, forming a small image
Their brains were unable to function in a normal way at that moment. All they knew was that they wanted to be close to each other when it happened
Their hands were entwined and their heads were almost touching
It was then that Floyd used the remnants of all the strength he had left to lift his head and place the same small kiss on the lips of the girl who had once done it on him

It was like a silent goodbye between them
Something that ended the story as well as all the feelings between them
Maybe it was a breakup

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