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With everyone in a critical situation and thinking they are going to die, an argument ensues between Deadshot and Boomerang which leads to getting to know a little more About their normal sides

- Do you think they'll come back for us? - Diablo broke the awkward silence between them, searching the faces of his companions for some answer to the question that was bothering them all

- They have to. We're their errand dogs. They won't leave us, they'd lose too much," Floyd spoke up, sitting down on the ground of the abandoned building they were trapped in by a small communication error. At least that's what everyone wanted to think.

- They better do it faster! I have an appointment for today! - Added an exasperated Harley, hitting one of the stones with a stick. Floyd just shook his head at her words.

- What if they just left us? We've done enough and the prison is talking about new people with "abilities" - Digger interjected, not really moved by the situation. However, his words made everyone wonder if they would stay here until they died. Surely this is a simple miscommunication? Or a deliberate move to get rid of them and replace them with new puppets?  No one wanted to believe that the second option might turn out to be true
Floyd was about to leave prison and take care of his daughter
Harley was going to find her Joker to be happy by his side as Queen of Gotham
Diablo wanted to atone for all his past mistakes and Digger just wanted to find his next target. This was not how they were going to die, not here.

- Did they really leave us here? - Diablo broke the silence again
- If you're going to ask stupid questions every now and then, then for sure not - answered Digger half jokingly trying to lighten the atmosphere, but he didn't succeed very much, because in his tone of voice you could hear a slight worry and hesitation.

- Can we talk about something other than this? It'll be lighter for all of us. - Floyd suggested, watching Harley play with her hair in silence ( which was really rare)
- And what do you want to talk about here? Why we ended up in jail!? Or why we'll never get out of it!? - He raised his voice to Digger, apparently fed up with being under pressure, waiting for any sign from Rick or the others

- Calm down. Your behavior is not helping us. Your bickering is not something we need right now! - Floyd answered him, slowly beginning to let go of his composure and also bending under the weight of stress

- Puddin left me and Batman caught me," Harley suddenly said quietly, interrupting their argument and making everyone focus on her. 

- What?" asked Floyd, not knowing what she meant
- He asked how we got into prison. I never told you that - She shrugged her shoulders, not looking at any of them and continuing to play with her hair. The three men exchanged glances, knowing that they had to watch their words, especially when it came to her love, but before they had time to speak, she spoke again
- We had a wonderful night at the club, unfortunately there was a small problem with business and we had to run away. We drove through the city, happy despite the ruined night until Batman found us. He didn't let up in chasing us, Puddin going straight for the barriers before the end of the road. I yelled that I couldn't swim, but he kept going. We fell into the water and then Batman came and picked me up. Mr. J was gone. - She finished her story with a bit of regret in her voice, which was immediately picked up by the others.
Floyd felt a slight pressure in his heart at the thought of this asshole preferring to leave her and run off on his own. He's nothing without her.

- Why are you still with him after something like that? - He asked

- Because I love him. - She replied confidently, lifting her head and looking into his eyes. - And it wasn't the worst thing I've been through," She added waving her hand with a small smile that, despite the decoration on her face, didn't convince either of them. Her eyes were human. She wasn't the Harley who would kill someone for fun, she was a regular Harley.
- We stood together over the chemicals, he asked me if I would die for him. Of course, I answered yes, but then he asked if I would live for him. My answer was also yes, and to prove it I jumped straight into those substances. Then I became his queen. -She finished calmly, despite the horrible memories that began to come back to her related to what happened next. She wanted to scream, but instead she asked
- What about you?
- Batman has been following me for a long time - Floyd was the first to shake it off, deciding to share his story as well - When I was coming home with my daughter, he arrested me in front of her. There's nothing unusual here. -
- You have a daughter? - Digger asked, genuinely shocked.

- Yeah? Why are you so surprised? I'm old enough to have a family. You should too grandpa" he laughed, feeling a little less anxious about being locked up.
- How can I do that while I'm in prison? Through bars? - He asked sarcastically, causing Harley to laugh

- You should try it. - She added
- If of course  anyone wants to have a child with you - Diablo joined in, Giving him back for his years of laughing at his tattoos and abilities.
Unfortunately Digger took offense at them all, being in silence for a whole two minutes making everyone unable to stand laughing forgetting their worries and bad memories.
Harley had managed to return to her old mask, and although Floyd sometimes complained about her cheerful nature, he would never want to return to the side of her that he saw today. He decided that he had to protect her from the Joker. No matter what price he would have to pay

- I never wanted to say this because there was no need, but now that I don't know if we'll be able to leave here, I think the time is right. You guys are like family to me. - Diablo said, looking at each in turn with gratitude in his eyes.
- Man, we're family. Even if we have to die, we're together," said Deadshot patting him on the shoulder, "Even you Digger," he added with a laugh.

- Should I thank you or give you a hug right away? - Asked the aforementioned
- I don't like hugs. Thank you is enough," he replied maliciously
- Awh why don't you like hugs? It's cool! - Harley added
- Maybe we should hug him and show him how much? - Suggested Digger, looking at Harley, knowing exactly what was going to happen now. Floyd knew it too, so he stood up just as quickly as the girl

- Great idea! Come here! - She yelled throwing herself at him before he could make any more moves and wrapping her arms around him
- I really don't like this, DIGGER DON'T EVEN COME HERE-

- A family hug! - He shouted also hugging the poor man and making him almost lose his breath - Diablo come to us!
The occupied man lost faith in his strength when he actually stood up and just joined the hug.
He will die being hugged by his family. What can he do other than lean his head against the head of a girl smaller than him and forget for a moment that they were going to die

- If I'm bothering you, I can come over a little later- They heard Rick's voice and they all looked over to him
- RICK! WE THOUGHT YOU LEFT US! - Shouted Harley, looking really happy
- Me? You're my team, how could I leave you? - He replied with a laugh but didn't laugh for long, when he saw everyone move to perform the "family hug" on him as well

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