Watching Rick's baby

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Only Diablo, Floyd and Boomerang are supposed to watch Rick's baby

When Rick mentioned that he had for the three men "the most important assignment they could ever get" you know the adrenaline immediately surged through their veins faster than Harley did their psychological portraits.
The first thought, (voiced by Boomerang) was, "we're going to be sent on some super secret mission that the others can't be on because they can't handle it?!" and even though it sounded stupid both Floyd and Diablo silently hoped for that version, but Rick just shook his head denying that theory
- Please don't tell me we'll have to clean something up because someone didn't know how to do their job," sighed a disgruntled Floyd, who had enough "dirty" work this week. Rick continued shaking his head, looking increasingly stressed.

- This is no such work. It's something more delicate, but still important. - He paused for a moment, gauging the reactions of the guys who exchanged glances, not knowing what to expect from the word "delicate" - It's just that one person screwed up and June and I have no one to leave our daughter with, and you're the only one I trust enough - He looked for a moment at Boomerang, who was just holding a beer can - Floyd you're the only one I trust enough to leave a four year old child with you. Can you take care of her for a while? - He asked almost pleadingly, as if June was going to kill him if he didn't get their child a sitter.
Maybe she would.....

- We have... watch over your child? - Asked Floyd again, in mild shock. He never would have thought that Rick would ask THEY something like this
- Just this once. I'll make sure you get paid properly-

The boys thought about this offer for only a moment. Who would normally turn down a payment that would certainly be better than what Amanda was giving them, for foolishly watching a child who only needs to watch some TV show and they can leave it alone? Sounds like the perfect easy money

- We'll do it for you. Give us that kid.

- Remember not to sit for long, don't give her sweets or anything she could hurt herself with. Also don't let her in Harley's room, the girl has forbidden everyone to go in there. - Quickly Rick began to enumerate as he handed Boomeragn all of his daughter's things, he looked so worried that they thought it was funny. After all, they are the best babysitters!
- Rick relax, we can handle it. If anything happens we'll call you. Right Lindsay? - Asked Floyd looking with a smile at the girl who seemed unusually happy to be in the care of the slayers.
Rick calmed down slightly and smiled before saying goodbye to everyone once more and closing the door, not knowing what he had just led up to

The first hour

As soon as the door closed and Rick was gone, Lindsay turned into a little monster. Neither of them had ever seen a child be able to do and drop so much stuff on the floor and all while running!
To an extent they were impressed, but immediately afterwards it was fucking terrifying.
This child made Diablo cry. LITERALLY.

- Why don't we give her a beer to calm her down? It always calms me down," Boomerang whispered to Floyd as they watched the girl jump on their couch and beat a pillow, standing next to Diablo
- Dumbass she is four years old and not a lifeless alcoholic like you.

Two hours later they had lost Lindsay for a while and were in a real panic. They couldn't find her anywhere and were about to enter the most dangerous room that was Harley's room, but the girl jumped out of her hiding place with a little "boo"
It was then that Floyd felt what it meant to have a pre heart attack state.

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