why do you only call me when you're high

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Two words
High boomerang.

Three o'clock at night

An incoming call from an unknown number

Your phone vibrates unpleasantly under your pillow

You ignore it.

More minutes go by, but the phone won't stop ringing
You pull it out and turn off the notifications.
You don't really care why someone's banging on your door in the middle of the night.
And even if you did, you knew who it was. It's not important.

An hour passes before the person calls again.
You think about turning the phone off or throwing it away, but then you'd also get rid of your alarm clock, and you're not the kind of person who knows how to get up at a set hour on her own.
You decline the call. Eventually he has to let go.

He doesn't let go. He never does.

You start getting text messages that only create an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach

"Answer the fucking phone."
"You can't avoid me forever."
"You're fucking selfish."
"Answer the fucking phone."

You definitely don't want to answer it now.

Another ten minutes or so and your annoyance begins to take on a dangerous hue.
Your sleepy mind can only think about how much you hate this asshole

So you pick up and say just one sentence.

- Why do you only call me when you're high?

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