My love.

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Harley prepares the last meal for her love.

- Let's go home Harley. - Said Joker as he hugged his beloved. He had lost her for a bit, but now he had her back in his arms.
- Did you do all this for me?" she asked with feigned happiness as she snuggled into his shoulder. She had to pretend. She couldn't show him how much she abhorred  about him. She wanted so badly to push him away from her and tell him what she thought of him. She should have done that a long time ago, but she continues to stand in his arms, thanking him for saving her from more trouble.
- For you, of course. I would- she didn't want to hear it. Empty words, pulling no emotion or feeling. Always repeating the same thing. The same words. Only the circumstances of their uttering changed. Now also the view of the world of one of the people who uttered those words always changed with the same learned script. Harley had time and tangled thoughts about her feelings when she was alone but now she thought she had found something like an answer. Something she silently added to the script and played along, feeling nothing but empty suppressed emotions.

She used to call him her love, now she calls him her corruption. Something that kills her more and more with every touch.
- Let's go home. - He repeats, pulling her toward the exit, not paying attention as her eyes, stared at the back of his head, with a blank stare. Empty more than usual.

Home, was that what their place was called? It didn't resemble a house. There was nothing in it that was called "home" by others.
Could she ever even think like that about this place? Home should be where we stay with people we love, who care and protect us. There was no such thing here. There was only fear, the smell of blood and burnt food that she always made for him to show him her love. To feel like a loving girl, greeting her boyfriend who came back after a hard day at work.
But this never resembled that.
A boyfriend doesn't beat up his girlfriend for trying for him right? She should have left the first time, but she didn't. She continued to stay close and did everything she could to show him how good she could be.
He never appreciated that. She wasn't good for him. She was an obstacle that he kept near him out of habit, maybe fear of being alone and losing the dog who would do everything for him.

She knows it, she knows it all. She realizes her position. Of her value.

And yet she continues to prepare a meal for him, just as she has always done.
He waits for him as he always has,
He's talking to some of his people and planning the next thing. He pays no attention to her. He knows it will end as it always does. He doesn't bother to at least glance at what he's doing. Harley takes advantage of this, doing what she has been planning for a long time. She knows they'll both be hurt when she's done, but she'll feel salvation. Maybe even her sins will be forgiven.

- You made a really good job this time. It looks really good- He praises her, seeing the meal she prepared. He hasn't hit her for the first time in a long time and I can still feel the heat on her cheek. She feels it all the time as she watches her lover eat the meal. He doesn't seem surprised when the girl remains silent the entire time. She can't speak at the table.

And yet, she can't stop the small smile that creeps onto her face when she sees her love begin to cough and gasp for air. He looks at her accusingly, most likely realizing what she has done, but it is too late. She wasn't careful with the dose she gives there.
She gave there as much as her love reached.
He had always been afraid of her love, not wanting to accept it.
She let him feel her as she always had. She let her love kill him.

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