"He was my friend."

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Rick and Harley's relationship from boss and employee, friends and best friends.

- Are you really weak in hand to hand combat? - Asked a surprised Rick as he watched the white haired girl practice in the training room. The girl was in the process of exercising her arms and wanted to do it in peace, forgetting that they needed to be under control at all times.
- I always have some kind of weapon on hand. I don't need to defend myself with my hands. - She gasped when she delivered a weak punch.
- I am surprised. You've never shown it in a fight, and now suddenly you find you can't fight? - He almost laughed at how nervous she looked.
He never expected that he would accidentally discover her weakness.
- Fuck off. I'll practice on this and be better than all of you.
- You don't have to take it out on yourself. I'm your boss and I'll help you.

-Why are you still awake? - He asked another time when he entered the kitchen and the girl was sitting at the table drinking coffee even though it was three in the morning.
- What about you? - She asked in return, looking unusually calm for her usual nature.
- I came to see who was occupying our kitchen at 3 a.m. - He walked over to the cupboard to pull out a mug and also pour himself a cup of coffee.
- And really?
- I can't have coffee with a friend? - He smiled, seeing the girl roll her eyes and play with her mug, allowing him to stay with her.

- Hey hey, are you okay? - He walked over to the girl who was sitting stretched out on the couch and quietly crying, another night
- You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. - She replied, quickly wiping her tears so he wouldn't see her like this. She felt weak.
- Of course I have to worry about you. - He denied, looking surprised that she even said such a thing
- Because you are my boss yes I know.
- I'm not your boss, I'm your best friend. And your comfort is important to me. -

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